France, elections: countdown, it will be a four-way fight

The arrival of the left-wing radical Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the scene and the still active, albeit tarnished, presence of François Fillon widen to four, with Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, the shortlist of candidates for the vote for the presidency in France…

Tuesday 14 March is the day of the decision on the referendum on vouchers, of the Sole 24 Ore which recovers on the Stock Exchange after the dismissal of the director Roberto Napoletano, of the Fillon scandal and of the banks (especially the Popolari) which send Piazza Affari…
France, Fillon: "I made a mistake but I'm not retiring"

The right-wing Gaullist candidate for the French presidential elections admits the mistake of having hired his wife Penelope and above all his two children as salaried collaborator, but he doesn't throw in the towel: "My schedule is annoying and it's the only one capable of…
France, the Fillon novelty and the Hollande enigma

The new leader of the Gaullist right seems to have the right characteristics to defeat Le Pen's populist wave in the next French elections, but much will also depend on the moves of the left and on the unknown Hollande, the president with the lowest rate…

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