Metalworkers, the negotiation is unlocked

Federmeccanica seems to be oriented towards unblocking the thorny trade union negotiation for the renewal of the national contract for metalworkers - The directorate of industrialists has reiterated its intention to link wage increases to company productivity but seems to have overcome the prejudicial…
Metalworkers, movement signals

Great excitement around the most important contractual dispute of the year which must prepare the ground for a possible reform of the bargaining between Confindustria and trade union confederations - For now Fiom, Fim and Uilm are oriented towards maintaining the mobilization of the category…

Bentivogli, FIN-CISL general secretary: "Deep disappointment in the last meeting with Federmeccanica: if they want a strike they will have it" - The objectives are acceptable but not the solutions - The wage problem for workers below the minimum is insoluble for now
Metalworkers: "No progress on wages"

Another day of negotiation between the unions and Federmeccanica: on the table procurement, parental leave, law 104 and wages - The leader of Fim-Cisl Marco Bentivogli: "The position of the entrepreneurs is still at 22 December".