Food Day for a New Economic Order

Thinking about more than 700 million people in the world who suffer from hunger means imagining a global economic model turned upside down. Completely turned upside down, because the injustices that need to be remedied affect the right to life. There are hundreds of appeals today-…
Conforti (FAO): "Zero hunger in 2030, it can be done"

INTERVIEW with PIERO CONFORTI, Senior Economist of the Department of Economic and Social Development of FAO - "The problem is not having enough food for everyone but distributing it better" - There are 821 million people in the world who are chronically undernourished…
Fao, enough of China's unfair hoarding of land

A ESSAY OF KNOWLEDGE ON "BALANCE" - The 124 member countries of the FAO have adopted a resolution to reach a "comprehensive regulation of globalization" on land transactions designed to curb large Chinese multinational companies that continue to…