Bank of Italy, what the quarterly economic bulletin says: the monetary tightening continues to impact the declining cost of credit, mortgages and loans to businesses. The increase in tourism prices slows the decline in inflation. Here are the GDP forecasts: +1,1%…
A few days before the European elections, the Government launches the 500 euro social card for families in difficulty. The new card will be distributed starting from July and usable from September. Here's how it works
Effects on balances confirmed compared to the initial version, numerous new interventions but with a limited impact and provided with coverage
INTERVIEW WITH ANNAMARIA BERNARDINI DE PACE - For the Milanese lawyer, the murder of Giulia Cecchettin, at the hands of her ex-boyfriend Filippo Turetta, is not a question of patriarchal culture. The danger is being next to men who have not elaborated the meaning...
Among the complex securities preferred by families are certificates and AT1s. For Bank of Italy, the phenomenon is now under control, but it could be risky in the event of adverse scenarios.
In the latest report on financial stability, the Bank of Italy warns of the risks that are slowing down the economy, but reassures: households, businesses and banks are more solid than in the past
Revision of the Superbonus, extension of measures against high energy costs and installments of bills for businesses, reduction of taxation of fringe benefits: these are the main interventions of the Quater Aid Decree approved yesterday evening by the CDM
The high energy price, inflation and the effects of the war in Ukraine weigh and hold back economic activity in every division: the most penalized sectors are those with high energy intensity. The gap between North and South remains wide. The ratio of…
"I will not enter the government but I will continue to lend a hand to the country by leading Intesa Sanpaolo" says the CEO Carlo Messina: within the year 70 billion of loans disbursed by the bank
Allocated new resources for families, businesses and local authorities without budget deviations: this is what the Aiuti Ter decree approved by the CDM provides
Three immediate proposals to push families, which represent a quarter of energy consumption in Italy, to assume a central role in the emergency - The importance of photovoltaic panels and more
Faced with the soaring gas prices, the Government prepares a new decree without budget deviation: three salient points
According to the Via Nazionale survey, in 2020 the richest 7% of Italian families had 50% of the assets, while the least wealthy 50% owned only 8%
Not only the Ukraine crisis, some increases had already been in place for some time. The shopping cart gets heavy. Families discover grandma's old recipes. And many reinvent their work
Furthermore, according to Via Nazionale, the Irpef reform and the single check will reduce inequalities and poverty, while the incentives to work and earn more will increase
Unanimous green light from the Council of Ministers for Def 2022: less deficit and debt and GDP at 3,1% - Decree for new support of 5 billion against high energy prices
According to the Parliamentary Budget Office, those with an income and four children receive around 1.700 euros more per child - But the outdated cadastral income causes distortions
From March XNUMX, the single child allowance replaces a series of services - Here is a brief guide with the most common questions: from the requirements to the amounts, from the Isee to the Iban
According to a study by the MEF, the cumulative effect of the two reforms improves the indices relating to inequality and the distribution of wealth in our country
According to a study by Istat and the Bank of Italy, in 2020 the wealth of Italian families grew by 1% compared to 2019, reaching 8,7 times the disposable income
The application must be submitted every year - It starts in March and ends in February of the following year - Here's everything you need to know
The Council of Ministers has approved the implementing decree of the single universal child allowance - Applications from January 2022, disbursements from March - Here's who can receive it and how to calculate the amount of the new instrument that will replace all the others...
The share of Italians who expect conditions to worsen in the coming year drops by 8%, to 38% - But still many households have a lower income than pre-pandemic levels
Based on a simulation by Via Nazionale, the new subsidy could guarantee "a strong reduction in inequality and individuals in absolute poverty" without negative effects on the labor market
The former Banca di Cividale records a sharp increase in loans to households and businesses in the first half of 2021. This is the best result in the last three years. Driving the growth are home loans and loans for Ecobonus
After the merger with Ubi, the Banca dei Territori of the Intesa Sanpaolo group redesigns, under the leadership of Barrese, its organization divided into 12 regional departments: 13,5 million customers, 50 employees and 800 billion euros in loans…
THE HANDLES OF THE ECONOMY FOR MAY 2021/2 - Because consumption will grow a lot. And in which sectors. The lack of chips gets in the way. And the sword of Damocles of the virus.
According to a Bank of Italy survey, the propensity to save is still high, but at the same time many households have serious material difficulties and are cutting back on basic necessities
The Premier, on a visit to the Fiumicino vaccination hub, talks about the new measures to support families and businesses and announces the request for a new budget gap - On vaccines: "In 11 days the average of vaccinations has doubled, the goal…
The American company is based in Los Angeles: its acquisition is a great opportunity for the De' Longhi group which will pay 421 million dollars to acquire 100%
According to Bankitalia, after the record reduction in the first half, GDP could expand again in the second, especially with effective use of EU instruments
According to a study by the Bank of Italy, more than a third of individuals have enough liquidity for less than 3 months to cover essential family consumption expenses in the absence of other income
INPS has published a circular with all the instructions on the 2020 babysitter bonus: requirements, amounts, payment methods and cases of exclusion
The bonus can go up to 500 euros, but not for everyone - There are limits on income and spending methods and to apply you need to download an app - Here, in short, all there is to…
"Post-Covid business support measures and their medium-term implications" is the title of a study by three Bank of Italy economists who explain: "The recovery of economic activity is linked to the way in which…
In its latest bulletin, the central institute does not hide that the impact of the coronavirus on the economy will be heavy - a week of lockdown alone costs 9 billion of GDP - but also underlines that today families, businesses and banks are in…
The two measures to support liquidity in times of coronavirus are promoted by a task force that includes Mef, Banca d'Italia, Abi, Mediocredito centrale, Mise and Sace Simest
The Lombard bank has launched "Relaunch Italy", a 10 billion euro aid program: here are all the initiatives in support of the emergency.
"From Monday parental leave and vouchers for families" who are facing the Coronavirus emergency. Minister Bonetti announced it - Here are all the new arrivals.
The Minister of the Family, Elena Bonetti, has proposed a voucher for families who have to bear extraordinary costs to pay babysitters for the closure of schools - Health: Government allocates 600 million to immediately hire 20 thousand doctors...
A new decree with "extraordinary and urgent" economic measures is on the way - 7,5 billion euro deficit shift announced - Referendum on cuts in parliamentarians postponed - Here are all the measures
From 20 February you can apply for the bonus on anti-abandonment devices - Who is it for? How to request it? Amount? Here's everything you need to know
Established by the Fascist regime 93 years ago, it affected over 3 million still unmarried Italians until it was abolished in 1943 - but it was a flop: during that time the birth rate even decreased.
The appointment with "Posteapertetuttol'anno" is back, a series of initiatives that involve the families and children of employees in the office, with games and themed activities.
In the traditional Acr-Ipsos survey on the occasion of Savings Day, the widespread feeling emerges that the crisis is still long to overcome but households that save are increasing even if the preference for liquidity remains
The Emilian group presented in Milan the new financial intermediation company that will deal with mortgages but above all with personal loans and salary-backed loans - Objective: one billion loans a year by 2022.
After four years of growth, the demand for business loans decreases slightly, with the exception of the North East - The share of loans destined for productive investments decreases
Last Saturday Ubi Banca presented the season dedicated to children and families in the historic Milanese theater - Tonight, again at the Piccolo, the presentation of the 32nd Eleonora Duse prize.
The Venetian insurance company has launched new coverage for all Cattolica&Casa and Cattolica&Impresa policyholders, intended for risks from natural catastrophes.
The survey conducted by the research company revealed the strong participation in family life of Italian grandparents compared to European grandparents.
At the end of June, the credit disbursed by cooperative banks to businesses and households increased by 1,4% in trend terms - 15 billion in loans went to smaller businesses, 23 billion to the others and 7 billion to households for the new…
According to Istat, in 2017 the average monthly expenditure amounted to 2.564 euros, an increase compared to 2016 (+1,6%), but still far from the 2011 figure (2.640 euros) - The gap between the higher than…
From the BLOG ADVISE ONLY - The spread is back in the limelight, with its fluctuating trends due to the convulsive last weeks of our politics. But what effects can its hypothetical dizzying increase have on our real economy?
In Trieste opens "A village to grow" to promote equal development opportunities for boys and girls from 0 to 6 years.
In the fourth quarter of 2017, the real per capita income of households in the OECD area rose by 0,3%, while per capita GDP grew by 0,5%. - Reverse trend for Italy: +0,8% for household per capita income, +0,3%…
FOCUS BNL - The saving capacity of Italian households has significantly decreased while wealth is stagnant - However, its composition changes because between 2011 and 2016 the value of homes decreased by…
According to an analysis by Il Sole 24 Ore, the families that have their hands on the large holdings of Piazza Affari currently have very high liquidity: the Benettons and the reserves of the Del Vecchio family (Luxottica) in Luxembourg stand out above all.
Discount on the bill for families with an annual income of less than €8.107, which rises to €20 if you have three dependent children
In August, reassuring news on the main components of the economy. The international picture supports and confirms the growth trend of our country in the monthly note of the Institute of Statistics. The US economy is driven by exports, Spain is running in the Eurozone…
Up to a maximum of 485 euros per month for beneficiaries of the anti-poverty measure - The amount will vary from 190 to 485 euros per month, but there are very stringent access requirements - Applications to be submitted to the Municipality…
Due to the heat and the increase in consumption, the gas bill will rise by 2,8% - The gas bill will drop by 2,9%, from October 2016 to September 2017, saving 40 euros per family.
According to the Bank of Italy's annual report, household incomes have risen by 3 percentage points in the last three years, mainly thanks to the increase in employment - income inequality remains unchanged, but the risk of poverty…
The fact that the main shareholders of the major Italian banks are foreigners and above all American funds distances the allocation of our household savings from Italy and re-proposes the importance of the local bank
FOCUS BNL - Italian families are still rich today, but they are less so than they were in the past: their financial portfolio has been surpassed by those of French and German families but it is increasingly internationalized
According to the latest report on financial stability by the Bank of Italy, the ability of households and businesses to repay debts is improving, while the profitability of banks has been affected by value adjustments, but prospects are improving and the capital position…
Filing of the merger deed between TerFinance SpA and CrediTer, formerly Credito Salernitano - A new national reality is born, specialized in household credit through salary-backed loans and online deposits on the retail market.
FOCUS BNL - Reduced fertility and greater longevity are causing low growth in the world population and progressive aging - In 2050 young people under the age of 14 will be only 21% while the percentage will double…
According to the new text, which will be examined by the Chamber on Tuesday, work activities paid in vouchers, both by businesses and households, "cannot give rise to compensation exceeding 5000 euros in the course of a calendar year. Notwithstanding…
FOCUS BNL - Between 2010 and 2014 the average wealth of Italian families fell by 22% (-10% in Europe) but with strong differences: from -23% for the weakest families to -9% for the wealthiest ones - …
Bank of Italy survey on regional economies: check up on loans to businesses and households and on deposits
The bonus is provided for by the 2017 Budget Law which establishes, starting from 1 January, a permanent "birth bonus", intended for those who decide to give birth to a child - In support of families, also established…
The ING Bank Financial Welfare index shows greater confidence than in the past - Household satisfaction with their income returns to 2011 levels - Millennials are the most optimistic, while the self-employed have no…
FOCUS BNL - In Italy the dynamics of the last 3 years by no means compensate for the run in prices recorded in the previous period, much more sustained than that experienced in Germany or France - The price was paid by…
The "Survey on savings and financial choices of Italians 2016" by Intesa Sanpaolo and Centro Einaudi presented in Turin. The recovery is slow but expectations are improving for 60% of families. You still save too much…
"A decrease of about 20 basis points in the interest rates applied by banks to new loans to the private sector". This is the estimate of the Bank of Italy based on savings on funding that credit institutions will have with…
The new transitional mechanism will start in January 2017 and will allow voluntary acceptance, via the web, of a supply with a standard contractual structure defined by the Authority - A tool to accompany the consumer towards forms typical of the free market.
Improved perception of disposable household income, which returns for the first time to pre-crisis levels, and satisfaction with the size of long-term debt - Slight setback in investments due to market volatility.
WEEKEND INTERVIEWS - Alessandro Pansa, the former CEO of Finmeccanica who now sits on the board of directors of Banca Popolare di Vicenza saved by Atlante, speaks: "To make the Italian economy grow, you need to focus on investments, which collapsed in the crisis, but…
Household wealth also rose, rising by 1,2% last year, supported precisely by the financial component. - The purchasing power of families is growing, thanks to the improvement in the conditions of the labor market and to the fiscal measures of the Government.…
The mix of economic stagnation, low rates, regulatory burdens, rain of sentences and legislative measures is putting a strain on banks, especially Italian ones and local ones in particular - Banks have made their mistakes…