Index ETFs gain more market share

FROM MORNINGSTAR - In the US, passive equity strategies account for 45% of total assets; in Europe about a third. The trend is weaker in fixed income. BlackRock is first for global net inflows in 2017, thanks above all…
Savings, mutual funds do better than ETFs

FROM MORNINGSTAR - The Morningstar Barometer reveals that active funds performed better than ETFs in 2017 if, in addition to performance, costs and survival rates are also evaluated, which are higher if the fund costs…
ETFs, record equity and superstar equity funds

From MORNINGSTAR - The independent asset management company estimates total assets of European ETFs in excess of 670 billion at the end of 2017. Equities account for the lion's share of flows, but bonds have higher growth rates.
SAVINGS – ETFs are 15 years old

On the eve of the 15th anniversary of European ETFs, BlackRock expects the $2.269 trillion AUM milestone to be reached in less than five years - There are currently 22 ETFs available in Europe, listed in XNUMX…
ETFs, March goes to natural gas

FROM MORNINGSTAR - Exchange traded products (ETPs) on natural gas gave the best performance among European replicators in March - As emerges from the analysis by Lee Davidson, an analyst at Morningstar, the increase was between 14…
ETFs, low cost trading

FROM MORNINGSTAR - There are several practices to contain transaction costs, including "limit orders" - The European market, however, is too fragmented - According to iShares statistics, in 2012 the average daily volumes were…