Of the 55 major projects presented to the European Union for funding, only 19 have passed the exam, another 25 remain in the running until 2020 and 11 will be financed with national funds - Government delays but above all local institutions
The abolition of the Provinces is law

The House definitively approved the Delrio bill - Provinces abolished - Metropolitan cities and vast areas are born, i.e. mergers of Municipalities: they will be responsible for the tasks currently covered by the Provinces - Elections are skipped…
Provinces, the reorganization postponed by a year

The Senate Budget Commission has approved an amendment by the rapporteurs to the Stability Law which suspends for twelve months the measures launched with the Italy bailout, which provided for the transfer of the functions of the provincial administrations by 31 December 2012…
Stability law: ten billion cuts

Minister Grilli announced it during the meeting with the social partners: 6,5 billion euros will be used to prevent the VAT increase - Grilli: "It won't be a new maneuver" - Camusso threatens a general strike.
Tax, local taxes +114% in 15 years

According to an analysis by the Cgia of Mestre, between 1996 and 2011 Regions, Provinces and Municipalities saw their tax revenues increase from 47,6 to 102 billion euros - On average, last year every Italian paid into…
Spending review: the cut of the Provinces slips

The 20% cut to public bodies and the reorganization of small municipalities will also be skipped - These three interventions will be postponed to another decree that will perhaps arrive in August - Not even the reduction should appear in the next provision ...