Banks and NPLs, where the new European rules lead

"The banking package is a good compromise and above all seeks to compensate for the negative effects of the increase in the spread", commented the president Abi Patuelli - From NPLs to credit to SMEs, from liquidity to the "Danish compromise", here are the news in…
Anti-web taxes: forcing by Ecofin

The two days in Tallinn of the Eurogroup and Ecofin kick off on 15 September: among the topics on the table, the debate on the Web Tax. However, the Estonian presidency does not agree with the proposed approach, indicating the possibility of taxing companies starting from…

Fires: from Vesuvius to Sicily is an emergency - Banks, Ecofin: ok to anti-non-performing plan - FCA-USA towards agreement on dieselgate - Cardani (Agcom): Italy late on the Web, yes public-private agreements - Alitalia says goodbye to Sardinia .
Ecofin, agreement in principle on Basel 3

The only opposing voice is that of the British minister George Osborne, who opposed the new rules on manager bonuses - On this point and on the deadline to be set for the implementation of the rules, negotiations will continue in the coming…
Tobin Tax, green light from Ecofin to Italy

In addition to Italy, there are ten countries authorized by the finance ministers of the European Union to proceed with "enhanced cooperation" for the introduction of the tax on financial transactions - Grilli: "For Italy, one billion euros in revenue".
Ecofin: Italy will say yes to Tobin tax

This was anticipated by French Treasury Minister Pierre Moscovici after a conversation with his Italian counterpart Vittorio Grilli - Italy would be the ninth country to give the green light, after France, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Slovenia, Austria, Greece, Estonia .
Ecofin reaches agreement on Basel 3

With a unanimous vote, Ecofin reaches an agreement on Basel 3 despite resistance from England and Bulgaria. But the Italian government is concerned about the leeway left to national authorities regarding capital requirements for banks…
IMF, 150 billion from the Eurozone

The decision came during the last emergency Ecofin summit - The Fund will thus have more resources to support the countries most affected by the debt crisis - Great Britain will only make its contribution from next year and in the framework…
Ecofin, Monti: yes to Stability bonds

The Prime Minister, who spoke during the Ecofin meeting, invited not to make the "Stability bond" topic a taboo. "We need to think about it with an open mind and be in favor of whatever is needed to improve budgetary discipline"