Millionaire bankers are growing: in Italy there are 241

According to a report by the EBA, Italian bankers who in 2019 earned over one million euros between fixed and variable salaries, performance bonuses and social security contributions increased by 17% in one year: on average they led to…
Banks, 5 reasons for hope: waiting for coupons and stress tests

"The Italian economy is doing well" syllables Mario Draghi at the start of the press conference on the green pass. Christine Lagarde continues: "For the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic, we observe that companies are once again asking for credit to make capital investments and…
Unicredit, the assembly crowns Orcel and Padoan

The Unicredit shareholders' meeting approved the new board with Orcel as new CEO and Padoan as president - Green light for a salary of 7,5 million a year for Orcel. The new expansion strategy: first Mps or Banco Bpm and then Mediobanca. In…