Naples chosen by Confindustria tries to redeem itself from historical shortcomings and clichés. The title of Business Capital arouses curiosity but also interest in new challenges
The winning city, thanks also to the state contribution of one million euros, will be able to promote local cultural development throughout 2026, intended as a growth engine for the entire community
The latest Final Considerations of the outgoing Governor are a document of great economic, social and political interest and trace a path towards a better Italy
Snam's new CEO, Stefano Venier, presented the new Group Plan, realistic and ambitious at the same time
A laboratory is born at Bocconi to closely monitor the investments of the PNRR: Fabrizio Pagani (ex Treasury) will be the coordinator of the Advisory Board
In presenting the new Cdp plan, the new CEO, Dario Scannapieco, clearly explained that the management of the group's shareholdings will be dynamic but that the strategic ones (including those in the TLCs) will be stable - The mission of the…
From China to the USA to Europe, the medium-term forecasts on the economy are less enthusiastic than the rebound this year and next year and bring the need to build a new development model that tackles the problems back on the agenda …
INTERVIEW WITH GIANFRANCO VIESTI, Full Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Bari, southerner and author of the book "Centres and Peripheries" - The gap between Northern and Southern Italy has distant origins and in this century the reality has worsened - Pesano…
In the book "In the mirror of the school", published by il Mulino, the economist of the Prodian school analyzes the reasons why Italy is the country in Europe with the lowest levels of education, with the lowest percentage of graduates and with The…
In his new book "The fourth shock - How a virus has changed the world", the philosopher Sebastiano Maffettone wonders what our future will be after the upheavals caused by the pandemic - And he answers like this
May 2020st XNUMX takes place without demonstrations in the squares because we are still in the Coronavirus emergency but, instead of letting our guard down, we must take the opportunity to build a new normality based on the change of an economic system already incapable of satisfying…
The South, which has a GDP higher than that of Greece and Portugal together, is experiencing a real social emergency but is not fatally destined for a perennial condition of structural lag: you have to decide what you want it to be and…
In the two-year period 2017-18, GDP growth is expected to be sustained mainly by high-tech sectors and natural gas reserves off Haifa: the country has the highest concentration of high-tech companies in the world…
Thanks to the extraction activity (+7,2%) Zambia's growth estimates are seen on the rise (+4,3%), while political uncertainty and the risk of alienating foreign investors have led to new cuts in South African debt rating (up to +0,7%).
If the Chinese economy has exceeded expectations with a growth of +6,9% driven by the agricultural sector, India is going through a transitory phase of slowdown (+5,7%), in particular due to the manufacturing sector.
The MiSE initiative aims to increase the knowledge, managerial skills and competitiveness of SMEs: the decree also provides for a new selection of companies accredited to provide services accompanying internationalisation.
The Foundation was created with the intention of contributing to the country's innovation, progress and social growth through the management of existing complex infrastructures and the creation of new areas. The Foundation will also leverage know-how, networks, means…
The new name of the Government Plan indicates the beginning of a second phase focused on skills and work - In 2017 orders rose by 9%, spending on research and development is growing while ultra-broadband needs to be accelerated - Calenda: "In…
According to MiSE data, Italy is the Eurozone country that recorded the greatest increase in the ESI index with a +3,6: wholesale trade of machinery, equipment and supplies is doing well (+4,7%) and ICT equipment (+ 4,1%).
The work over the next few months sees Bologna as a site for studies and analyzes on everything that revolves around environmental and energy sustainability.
Courtesy of the author and the publisher, we are publishing the preface of the new book by the master of Italian sociology, Franco Ferrarotti, entitled "LO DEVELOPMENT - Promise-Problem-Project" published by Solfanelli, which develops highly topical reflections
In Poland, the added value created by industry grew by 7,2% supported by manufacturing (+8,6%), retail sales rose (+8,0%) and the unemployment rate fell (7,5% ). Inflation is good, but now pay attention to bills and populism.
The prospects for a strengthening of the fundamentals in a long-term perspective remain positive, while the position of the infrastructures and in the judicial system still appears weak. Inflation remains at low average levels (1,5%).
The measure definitively approved in the Chamber is off to a good start but now it is necessary to direct public expenditure towards projects that are well done and which improve labor productivity. It's no longer time for "somethings" looking only for subsidies. They are two…
As reported by the MiSE, in the second quarter of 2017 the number of approved operations was the highest ever recorded: 403. Lombardy is confirmed as the leading region by number of operations (588) and resources mobilized (over 153 million).
The association, chaired by Pietro Sella, which supports Italian companies with high innovation and development potential, celebrates its first birthday with encouraging results
While the Turkish currency is particularly vulnerable to changes in liquidity conditions in emerging markets, Lebanon is affected by external debt and the high dependence on the flow of short-term foreign currency deposits from non-residents.
FOCUS BNL - The Beijing authorities are called to address the fragility of the national financial circuit, in which corporate over-indebtedness and intense growth in the banking circuit are intertwined
The update of the Revenue Agency in collaboration with the MiSE provides for the concession of an additional year for investments and the opening up to resident companies that carry out activities on behalf of non-resident clients.
In the UAE, Oman and Qatar, non-hydrocarbon economic growth is supported by sovereign wealth funds and reforms particularly favorable to FDI such as the creation of special economic zones, tax breaks and concessions, as well as the protection of investors of…
The twin deficits and the country's external position are improving, while the risk of exchange rate depreciation remains limited in the event of further Fed hikes. Inflation and consumption are doing well, but watch out for problem loans and the capitalization of local banks.
In the region, demand is supported by consumption and investment, especially in infrastructure, health and education, with the support of an expansionary fiscal policy. Exposure to external shocks persists for Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.
The country has a history of political-institutional stability capable of supporting sustained GDP growth (+6,8% on average in 2016-2020) and relaunching development thanks to a $1,6 billion structural reform plan .
Investments in the building sector recorded a drop of 5% in the first ten months of 2016, due to the contraction of private investments (-12,5%). Unsold stock and inaccessibility persist for the weakest income brackets in cities and rural areas.
If domestic demand drives the country's growth, the public deficit will increase to 3,0% in 2016 and 3,3% in 2017, with a consequent increase in public debt to 40% of GDP. The strengthening of economic fundamentals remains positive. It is…
The negative business climate and the uncertainty of the mining sector weighed on GDP growth (+0,1% in 2016 and +0,8% in 2017). On the other hand, high unemployment (26,6) and the fall in agricultural incomes are holding back consumption.
The data published by Intesa Sanpaolo signal a general strengthening of economic activity in the region. But the increase in deposits accompanied by the decline in business loans points to still weak investment demand.
The results of the Quarterly Report on innovative startups show the growing incidence on the total of limited companies, as well as better profitability indicators (ROI: 0,11 against 0,03; ROE: 0,25 against 0,04) and higher added value .
The reference commercial interest rates applicable to and including 14 November 2016 have been published on the MiSE website.
The training initiative to strengthen the internationalization skills of cooperative enterprises with the support of ICE and MiSE is being launched. The first meeting in Turin on 25/27 October.
The fall in oil prices, the deterioration of the fiscal position, capital outflows, the ruble crisis are the obstacles that Moscow is facing: with the stabilization of the financial framework, the IMF forecasts GDP this year at…
Despite the depreciation of the rupee, Made in Italy is at good levels driven by machinery. But without efficient bilateral agreements, net of the problems opened up by the Regeni case, it will be difficult to break through in a market that by 2025…
In the Report "Digital single market: the challenges for public policy in Italy", twenty operational indications to return to sustained growth rates - For Italy, investing in digital is one of the simplest ways to strengthen the…
WEEKEND INTERVIEWS - The sole director of the new Fiera di Roma unveils plans and initiatives to get the company back on track, now weighed down by 200 million in debt - "The sector is recovering and can act as a driving force…
In the country, the weakening of the exchange rate, pegged to the euro, favored the strengthening of a positive cyclical phase (GDP at +2,6%) which is expected to continue also in 2016. However, the banking system and the diversification of activities need to be strengthened productive.
At the end of the first three months of this year there were 5.439 innovative startups, an increase of 296 units compared to the end of 2015, of which 72% provide business services, in particular IT consultancy (30%) and R&D activities (15,1 ,XNUMX%).
The Report of the Italia Startup Visa and Hub programs has been published on the MiSE (Ministry of Economic Development) website, a digital and centralized simplification for the benefit of non-EU citizens who intend to start an innovative startup in Italy.
The simplification of some procedures relating to the completion of subsidized programs with the incentive tools of the European Structural Funds 2007-2013 has been published on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development.
If the sectoral detail of exports and the structural-operational characteristics of banking systems are still linked to energy products, their main drivers come from population growth and growing economic diversification.
The MiSE makes available a tender for an amount equal to 7,5 million to promote the enhancement of products related to a design or model and support the extension abroad of SME brands.
In the second quarter, GDP recorded a cyclical increase of 0,3%, with oil prices, exchange rates, interest rates and the acceleration of world trade fueling growth expectations of +1% in the two-year period 2015-16.
The online registration procedure is open for SMEs and business networks that intend to take advantage of the ExportVoucher system: registration in the Business Register and communication of your PEC address is essential.
At each Territorial Inspectorate the MiSE Desks are now operational, with the aim of identifying the final providers of services in favor of production processes, financing and export support.
Mermec, an Apulian company specializing in technology applied to the monitoring and diagnostics of railway infrastructures, will take care of the flow control of the Shinkasen, the Japanese super train.
If in Croatia the weak dynamics of the GDP and the high indebtedness of the private sector are holding back banking activity, in Slovakia the economic cycle is strengthening both on the supply and on the demand side.
As reported by the MiSE, at the end of June, innovative startups recorded an increase of 14,5% compared to last March, also representing 20% of Italian joint-stock companies operating in R&D activities.
The MiSE has defined the methods and terms for requesting and granting non-refundable grants in favor of structured promotional initiatives in the form of an Internationalization Project of a value of no less than 50.000 euros.
The operating methods of the instrument and the terms of access to the concessions for an amount of 10 million of allocated resources have been published on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development.
As reported by Intesa Sanpaolo, in order to finance itself, the country must rely on remittances and loans from international partners and organizations, while the vulnerability of the local currency to regional dynamics is worsening.
The precariousness of the political and infrastructural framework and the deep regional divisions to which economic and confessional factors contribute make it very difficult to transform a system that is still too little diversified.
Monetary and credit conditions continue to be accommodating, allowing measures to diversify the manufacturing base and increase competitiveness. With particular attention to the aging of the population.
The proposal for a basic income from the Northern League governor of Lombardy is surprising: he mimics Grillo and the maximalist left with a generalized welfare initiative that would pose many problems and unleash a thousand contradictions - Much more useful to rationalize and strengthen…
Intesa Sanpaolo emphasizes the structural shortcomings and inefficiencies underlying the recent dynamics in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela. With the excessive dependence on hydrocarbons compromising future developments.
Despite the positive notes, many elements of weakness persist in the North African country, such as the reduced diversification of the economy and dependence on hydrocarbons, climatic conditions and political tensions in the region - In 2014 the growth of Morocco's GDP…
The MiSE mission in Azerbaijan has among its objectives that of increasing the strategic presence of Made in Italy especially in the infrastructural, energy, petrochemical and technologies related to health and environment sectors.
As reported by the MiSE, in 2014 the value of trade between our country and South Africa rose to almost 3,6 billion euros, with a view to an increase in the period 2011-2014 of almost 9%.
From the Sace analysis, the sectors that will make the greatest contribution to the country's economy will be those linked to construction and large-scale works - But alongside the opportunities, high risks persist, in particular transfers and insolvencies - The Italian presence in the country counts…
Atradius expects growth to increase by 5,1% in the region this year with private consumption and exports supporting manufacturing activities. Dreaming of the launch of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
The CEO of the Irish low-cost airline is on tour in Italy and spoke today in Bologna: "Less bureaucracy and above all less airport taxes".
The country recently adopted a major package of structural reforms crucial to reap the benefits of a strong and sustainable recovery. The OECD indicates the further measures to be pursued.
In an extremely varied economic scenario, Intesa Sanpaolo forecasts a new acceleration in the GDP growth rate of the area in the two-year period 2015 and 2016 with good investment opportunities.
Price adjustment costs following euro adoption have been small, while increased competition and low interest rates are bringing immediate and long-term benefits. But now on with the reforms.
Sub-Saharan Africa's third largest economy has the worst conditions of competitiveness, where the state still exercises strict control over productive activities and the population is in conditions of extreme poverty and isolation.
FOCUS INTESA SANPAOLO - In the fourth economy of sub-Saharan Africa, political stability and natural resources represent considerable potential for a manufacturing development that is still limited but with unique opportunities for Made in Italy - From January to June 2014 great…
The collapse of confidence in the Russian economy is evident from the outflow of capital, where the depreciation of the ruble has also aggravated the general level of prices with repercussions on inflation and private consumption.
Despite the highest level of domestic consensus in recent years, the real impact of the sanctions affects Russia's long-term economic performance, undermining the refinancing capacity of banks and state-owned enterprises.
The seminar organized by Fondir in Milan was an opportunity to discuss ad hoc managerial training courses that no longer represent just a path of personal growth, but are a tool that companies have at their disposal to…
Expressions of interest from the Indians of the Jindal group who will be in Milan today after a visit to Taranto, Novi and Genoa. But the Brazilian Csn and Emirates steel industries also come forward. The TPG is also on the track. For the…
In six months, requests reached 6.815 and the trend continued in September with 634 requests for 170 million loans from the CDP for the purchase of capital goods. On all the funding activated, the Mise contributed…
The existence of the Euro is no longer in question, but the fundamental reasons behind the Crisis have not been addressed: the institutional framework remains insufficient and reforms are hampered by the complacency of national interest groups.
24 development contracts were signed this morning at Palazzo Chigi for a total investment of 1,44 billion euros - The projects safeguard or create new jobs and involve over 25 people - 44% are promoted by…
The American giant has invested in a laboratory in France that makes it possible to produce new bottles from those that end up in the trash - A commitment that allows it to improve its image and its development strategy…
The European Investment Bank and the European Commission have jointly launched a new generation of financial instruments and advisory services to enable companies large and small across Europe to invest, over the next seven years, 24…
SVIMEZ SEMINAR - The event organized by the Association for the development of industry in the South will be held on Wednesday 11 June at 15 pm in via di Porta Pinciana 6, Rome, and will revolve around the report by Sunanda Sen, professor at the Academy of Education…
Atradius earlier this year saw signs of a new recovery after the rebound of 2010-2011. The risk of exchange rate volatility is low, which could negatively affect the mood of investors called to finance the increase in debt of…
Recently, the country has pursued a policy of relative diversification of the structure of the economy capable of guaranteeing good growth rates, but the levels of welfare, unemployment and the lack of infrastructure weigh heavily.
The outlook for the economy, weakened by various structural factors, has worsened significantly due to the crisis with Ukraine: growth estimates need to be revised downwards, with particular attention to the flight of FDI and capital.
"Frontier Markets" provides insurance-financial products to support SMEs to identify the next emerging markets, where the portfolio of insured operations in 2013 marked a 62% growth and in a context in which Italian exports to…
The Premier specified that the plan provides for "incentives for the use of researchers with technical-scientific profiles": an incentive is envisaged for "a thousand innovative doctorates" and "various other measures" including "one graduate for each company, a boost especially for SMEs”.
Following the financial crisis in the early XNUMXs, the Scandinavian country adopted an institutional strategy where macroeconomic stability does not affect innovation, market competitiveness and welfare.
We publish a summary of the speech by Maurizio Sella, president of Assonime, at the conference organized in Milan by Assolombarda and by Assonime itself on "Taxation for development": "The risk is that even in the tax field, as in other sectors of the sorting,…
We publish the abstract of a thesis on the sustainable development of the BRICs, by Maria Caterina Donatelli – The growth of the BRICs has not been without contradictions, and one of the main ones concerns precisely the sustainability of this development, above all from a…
Chinese cities are tearing down hills and mountains to create more and more space to produce more and more - But the costs are high, the municipalities are in debt and a slowdown in growth could bring down the dreams of glory and…
The automaker leads the EU study rankings for the first time and is somewhat surprisingly the only German company in the top ten - Just today VW announced that 84 billion euros will be invested in…
Chinese leaders have announced a series of reforms aimed at overhauling the country's economy over the next decade: but faced with the need for a solid welfare system, there is strong inaction among the ruling class.
The reduction of foreign capital, the contraction of exports, the weakening of private consumption and the persistent inefficiency of infrastructures are only the consequence of an internal phenomenon with deep roots: the informal economy.
Within the XXIII session of the Task Force between the two countries, on the occasion of the "Year of mutual promotion of Italy-Russia tourism" a "Business Forum" will be organized on tourism, a strategic sector for the future of Made in Italy.
In studying the third largest economy in the southern Mediterranean, Intesa Sanpaolo finds the risks for competitiveness on international markets in the poor condition of the population, in the insufficient growth rate and the lack of infrastructure.
The Ministry of Economic Development has published two reports on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the Small Business Act and the more recent "Destinazione Italia", a living-plan to promote FDI in the Belpaese with the support of Italian institutions and…
Data from the World Bank speak of a sub-Saharan GDP dynamic higher than the global average, but without forgetting the political, cultural and structural factors that inhibit performance from a perspective of global interdependence.