Economy, shadows on the post-Covid global recovery

From China to the USA to Europe, the medium-term forecasts on the economy are less enthusiastic than the rebound this year and next year and bring the need to build a new development model that tackles the problems back on the agenda …

May 2020st XNUMX takes place without demonstrations in the squares because we are still in the Coronavirus emergency but, instead of letting our guard down, we must take the opportunity to build a new normality based on the change of an economic system already incapable of satisfying…
South Decree: yes, but productive public investments

The measure definitively approved in the Chamber is off to a good start but now it is necessary to direct public expenditure towards projects that are well done and which improve labor productivity. It's no longer time for "somethings" looking only for subsidies. They are two…
India does not stop: growth is at a rate of 7%

The twin deficits and the country's external position are improving, while the risk of exchange rate depreciation remains limited in the event of further Fed hikes. Inflation and consumption are doing well, but watch out for problem loans and the capitalization of local banks.
South Africa needs new energy to relaunch exports

The negative business climate and the uncertainty of the mining sector weighed on GDP growth (+0,1% in 2016 and +0,8% in 2017). On the other hand, high unemployment (26,6) and the fall in agricultural incomes are holding back consumption.

The results of the Quarterly Report on innovative startups show the growing incidence on the total of limited companies, as well as better profitability indicators (ROI: 0,11 against 0,03; ROE: 0,25 against 0,04) and higher added value .
In Bulgaria, anti-deflation stimulus is supporting growth

In the country, the weakening of the exchange rate, pegged to the euro, favored the strengthening of a positive cyclical phase (GDP at +2,6%) which is expected to continue also in 2016. However, the banking system and the diversification of activities need to be strengthened productive.
The east wind blows on exports and non-EU start-ups

The Report of the Italia Startup Visa and Hub programs has been published on the MiSE (Ministry of Economic Development) website, a digital and centralized simplification for the benefit of non-EU citizens who intend to start an innovative startup in Italy.
MiSE: new simplifications for exports

The simplification of some procedures relating to the completion of subsidized programs with the incentive tools of the European Structural Funds 2007-2013 has been published on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development.
Nigeria: reforms are getting tougher

The precariousness of the political and infrastructural framework and the deep regional divisions to which economic and confessional factors contribute make it very difficult to transform a system that is still too little diversified.
Citizenship income, Maroni copies Grillo in generalized welfare

The proposal for a basic income from the Northern League governor of Lombardy is surprising: he mimics Grillo and the maximalist left with a generalized welfare initiative that would pose many problems and unleash a thousand contradictions - Much more useful to rationalize and strengthen…
Morocco: growth of +4,4% is not enough for exports and FDI

Despite the positive notes, many elements of weakness persist in the North African country, such as the reduced diversification of the economy and dependence on hydrocarbons, climatic conditions and political tensions in the region - In 2014 the growth of Morocco's GDP…
Egypt boosts trade and FDI due to growth

From the Sace analysis, the sectors that will make the greatest contribution to the country's economy will be those linked to construction and large-scale works - But alongside the opportunities, high risks persist, in particular transfers and insolvencies - The Italian presence in the country counts…
Mexico: a pact for development

The country recently adopted a major package of structural reforms crucial to reap the benefits of a strong and sustainable recovery. The OECD indicates the further measures to be pursued.
Exports and investments: discovering Ghana

FOCUS INTESA SANPAOLO - In the fourth economy of sub-Saharan Africa, political stability and natural resources represent considerable potential for a manufacturing development that is still limited but with unique opportunities for Made in Italy - From January to June 2014 great…
Atradius: that's why the Crisis is still ongoing

The existence of the Euro is no longer in question, but the fundamental reasons behind the Crisis have not been addressed: the institutional framework remains insufficient and reforms are hampered by the complacency of national interest groups.
Even India between development and austerity

SVIMEZ SEMINAR - The event organized by the Association for the development of industry in the South will be held on Wednesday 11 June at 15 pm in via di Porta Pinciana 6, Rome, and will revolve around the report by Sunanda Sen, professor at the Academy of Education…
Russia: 2014 is likely to end in blank

The outlook for the economy, weakened by various structural factors, has worsened significantly due to the crisis with Ukraine: growth estimates need to be revised downwards, with particular attention to the flight of FDI and capital.
Sweden: success that comes from the cold

Following the financial crisis in the early XNUMXs, the Scandinavian country adopted an institutional strategy where macroeconomic stability does not affect innovation, market competitiveness and welfare.
Sella (Assonime): "A taxman for development"

We publish a summary of the speech by Maurizio Sella, president of Assonime, at the conference organized in Milan by Assolombarda and by Assonime itself on "Taxation for development": "The risk is that even in the tax field, as in other sectors of the sorting,…
A thesis on the sustainable development of the BRICs

We publish the abstract of a thesis on the sustainable development of the BRICs, by Maria Caterina Donatelli – The growth of the BRICs has not been without contradictions, and one of the main ones concerns precisely the sustainability of this development, above all from a…
PMI: Italy-Russia, it's the year of tourism

Within the XXIII session of the Task Force between the two countries, on the occasion of the "Year of mutual promotion of Italy-Russia tourism" a "Business Forum" will be organized on tourism, a strategic sector for the future of Made in Italy.
Morocco, a partner to keep under close observation

In studying the third largest economy in the southern Mediterranean, Intesa Sanpaolo finds the risks for competitiveness on international markets in the poor condition of the population, in the insufficient growth rate and the lack of infrastructure.
Export: which "Destination" for Made in Italy?

The Ministry of Economic Development has published two reports on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the Small Business Act and the more recent "Destinazione Italia", a living-plan to promote FDI in the Belpaese with the support of Italian institutions and…