Sergio Mattarella, President of the Italian Republic

The search for the truth in the face of the serious deviations of elements of the State on the occasion of the massacres of the 70s and 80s was the strong appeal of the President of the Republic on the occasion of the anniversary of the assassination of Aldo Moro
Is the middle class still the pillar of democracy?

The assumption that the middle class remains the backbone of democracy is still the most accredited thesis among scholars but the drifts of a part of the bourgeoisie towards populism or towards illiberal policies fuel doubts, as he writes…
Democracies of post-liberalism and populism, what future?

In his essay "Counter-Revolution. The defeat of liberal Europe" Jan Zielonka, convinced liberal, professor at Oxford and student of Dahrendorf questions the crisis of liberalism and the rise of anti-establishment movements and argues that only through a profound self-criticism of liberalism…
Harari: Silicon Valley is ruining democracy

Israeli futurist Yuval Noah Harari, while revered in Silicon Valley, is convinced that the technological revolution led by big Californian companies is a danger to democracy and that in the future there will be a ruling elite and a class…
Grillo, the non-party of non-democracy

Between expulsions and resignations, the Five Star Movement is in crisis, but recovering the Grillini votes is far from easy and obvious - In any case, the next European elections remain an important showdown and not lost in…
World leaders and citizens unite for a global democracy

On Wednesday 27 June, academics and intellectuals from all over the world will present the Charter of the movement for a global democracy at the London School of Economics - Only the direct contribution of all citizens of the globe can give an answer to the…