The journey of two similar measures begins at Palazzo Madama which have the objective of eliminating the fake cooperatives with the cancellation from the Register and an eye on the legality and governance of the cooperatives, as well as on the phenomenon of the maximum reduction in tenders ...
Coop in Italy: x-ray of the 80 companies

According to a census of their study center, today there are almost 80 thousand cooperatives in Italy: Sicily is the Region where they are most concentrated, followed by Lombardy and Lazio - Female cooperatives are growing, but youth ones are decreasing -…
Cooperatives, conference at the Farnesina

On the program for Friday morning "Private Sector for Development: opportunities and commitment of Italian Cooperatives in International Cooperation for Development": speeches by the Director General for Development Cooperation of the Farnesina Giampaolo Cantini and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Aff...
Legacoop, Lusetti new president

He was elected today by the national directorate of the association which brings together over 15 cooperative enterprises - "The strategic objective of my presidency - says Lusetti - will be the construction of the Alliance of Italian cooperatives".
Greece restarts from anti-crisis cooperatives

Social entrepreneurship can help Greece emerge from the severe crisis of the past six years. The sector is growing rapidly. The GDP of these cooperatives in the Greek territory is around 1,5 billion euros compared to the GDP…
Indonesia, Italian Mission from 6 to 8 May

The Italian mission, organized by the ICE Agency, will see the presence of 44 companies, 8 banking groups and 10 business associations and will have as its object the promotion of trade, industrial collaboration and investments between the two countries.