These are still difficult months for Argentinians: the Milei therapy has contained inflation and brought about the first quarterly primary surplus since 2008, but purchasing power is plummeting and the dollar is at an all-time record. Many people give up…
The latest trend of Ref Ricerche certifies the slowdown of the European economy. Even the Italian data, going against the trend in the first part of the year, shows a slowdown
A slowdown is also seen in Italy, but less consistent than the global figure. However values are often distorted by rising prices,
Spending levels are at 21.083 euros per capita compared to 20.914 in 2019. Expenses for travel, holidays and hotels are up, recreational and cultural services are doing well
Electricity consumption still down in March, but the contribution of renewable sources is rising. Installed capacity almost triples, wind boom on March 10th
The Parliamentary Budget Office updates the estimates on the Italian economy in 2023-24: trade, consumption and investments slow down, employment rises
Exports rose by 12%. The young protagonists of the new productions. But the surge in inflation is a danger and the legislation needs to be reviewed. A sector of over 1300 companies and almost 10.000 employees. We need a Consolidated Text on Beer
Christmas is a time of joy, but also of spending. How much will we spend on gifts? And for lunches and dinners? Here are the figures calculated by Confcommercio and Coldiretti
It arrived in New Zealand at the end of the XNUMXth century for sport fishing but here it found an ideal environment to reproduce and develop its characteristics in the deep and cold waters of the Marlborough Sounds
Brussels will present the answers to be put in place to react to the gas emergency by tomorrow - Meanwhile, the cost of gas is back below 200 euros per megawatt hour
In the first part of the year, Ref Ricerche explains that the Eurozone continued to grow, closing the gap with respect to pre-crisis levels. But in the coming months the picture remains uncertain
Growth is linked to the increase in household disposable income - At the same time, the propensity to save decreases, which had grown significantly in the early stages of the pandemic
Televisions, washing machines, smartphones: GFK data draw a very positive balance on purchases by Italians in the Black Friday week but at Christmas the product shortage risks weighing heavily
In September, Italy consumed 27 billion kWh: +1,9% on 2020 and +2% on 2019. In the first nine months of the year, the growth in demand is 6,2% higher than in 2020
Two companies in which the US actor has invested have obtained EU funding of 2 million euros for studies on meat from cells in vitro. Coldiretti's protest: this is how the herds of historic breeds that are…
INTERVIEW with LORENZO FORNI, Secretary General of Prometeia Association and professor of Political Economy in Padua - "The important variables of public finance give signs of confidence" - Both the deficit and the debt/GDP ratio in 2021 can be better than…
Sales increases of 18,4 percent in the first four months of 2021. The booming craft beer sector (140.000 between direct and induced employees) sees young entrepreneurs as protagonists. The "Beer Sommelier" makes its way. THE…
THE HANDS OF THE ECONOMY OF JUNE 2021/2 - How soon will Italy's GDP return to the levels of the end of 2019? Which component of demand drives its recovery? What are the differences compared to the two previous recessions? Why Employment Will Struggle To…
The latest Istat forecast indicates an acceleration of the Italian economy already this year, with a further +4,4% for 2022. The recovery will be driven by domestic consumption and investments
THE HANDLES OF THE ECONOMY FOR MAY 2021/2 - Because consumption will grow a lot. And in which sectors. The lack of chips gets in the way. And the sword of Damocles of the virus.
THE HANDS OF THE ECONOMY FOR MAY 2021/1 - Is the worst of the virus really over? Does the recovery continue? What aftermath will the Covid-19 crisis leave? Vaccines: will they be needed every year? Worrying about rising inflation? Why is the dollar losing share in…
Coldiretti's assessments, similar to those of Ismea on the damage of the pandemic. The prospects not only linked to the Recovery plan but to a strategic design.
In 2020, according to Confcommercio estimates, due to Covid and the collapse in consumption, 390 thousand businesses closed permanently, 240 thousand of which due to the emergency - Travel agencies, bars and restaurants and transport suffer - President Sangalli:…
From the beginning of December, the first of the three forms of cashback that will accompany Italians until June 2022 comes into force - These are anti-evasion measures that allow you to receive reimbursements from the State for each payment made with…
To encourage festive consumption, the Government is thinking of a new measure: a 10% refund on expenses made in December with cards or Apps - In this brief guide we see what the requirements and rules should be
Consumption, investments and exports have restarted. Company accounts in order and large household savings: economic policies have done their duty well. And if Biden wins the US presidential election… But the trend of infections continues to keep uncertainty high…
The Ref Ricerche study center predicts it in its latest report on the economic situation - Energy consumption is recovering, the Cig is dropping, the tourism crisis is less severe than expected - But in the fourth quarter the recovery could lose…
According to a study by Confcommercio, the Covid 19 epidemic will burn an average of 2020 euros per person in 1.900 - The North is the most penalized area, consumption is at a peak in Lombardy
The funds arriving from Europe, even if not immediately, are a great opportunity to free the Italian economy from the bottlenecks that have penalized our productivity for too long but we need to accompany them with the necessary reforms - Here are the ones
According to Istat, spending fell by 4% in the first quarter, but the fall is three times more serious if we exclude the cost of housing and food
In the second week of reopening, the shopping centers are recovering, even if the food court and entertainment spaces are not yet fully operational - Habits are changing but above all spending is increasing for each visitor
According to Confcommercio The Coronavirus pandemic has deeply shaken the trade and tourism sector - Only food is growing - Online sales are not better, downhill in Europe but Amazon flies to the USA
Industrial production in February -2,4% on year but the "devastating" impact of the coronavirus on the second quarter is feared. The latest estimate on the collapse of the GDP is that of Svimez, according to which the emergency is making us burn 47 billion a month.…
The restrictions imposed by the epidemic lead to equipping homes as mini-offices (more PCs and printers are bought), to concentrate on the purchase of essential food, freezers and even books - Online purchases are increasing
The coronavirus emergency has caused a surge in the number of people trying to shop online - Some sites have stopped accepting orders and in the best case the delivery times are very long - Even Amazon is in difficulty
The Coranavirus effect hit businesses hard but in different ways: a hard blow for multinationals while flexibility partially mitigates the blow on SMEs - High tech is recovering
This is the budget that almost all of the interviewees for the new Confcommercio report will allocate for gifts to friends and relatives. The most popular ones: groceries, clothing and books and e-books
This is what emerges from the research "Water in our hands", carried out by Finish, the brand of products for the dishwasher, in collaboration with FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano and National Geographic: the figure rises to 245 liters in the capitals, against…
Two Italian journalists debunk a national myth: Italy is one of the countries where less is known about what ends up in the cup. Better than ours in Japan, USA and Australia. We are not even at the top of world consumption, beaten…
Two cooked hams are called Big Storico and Nazionale, which combine quality and transparency from the point of view of an aware consumer
According to a research carried out by Axis Communications in collaboration with Largo Consumo, consumers are increasingly looking for what they want on the web, but most of the sales are concluded in a physical point of sale - Here's how tradition…
The mega.consumer electronics fair opens today in Las Vegas and GFK has announced the global trend of the hi-tech sectors: for the first time, turnover has exceeded one trillion euros (1,01 trillion euros in…
From ISPI to EY via the IMF and the United Nations, everyone agrees that Africa represents the greatest opportunities for FDI: 65% of the planet's natural resources are present, 70% of the population under 30 and a…
In 2017, food consumption on the domestic market stopped at 160 billion with a modest +0,5%, while catering was more dynamic with 83 billion (+3,7%). Exports and counter-cyclical qualities have fortunately allowed production to hold up well…
According to Istat, in 2017 the average monthly expenditure amounted to 2.564 euros, an increase compared to 2016 (+1,6%), but still far from the 2011 figure (2.640 euros) - The gap between the higher than…
In Serbia, economic growth, also supported by the consolidation of public accounts, is estimated at 2,5% for this year - Bosnia leverages on exports after a significant correction of public accounts - However, elements of vulnerability remain
This is foreseen by the entry into force of the new legislation on fruit juice-based beverages. Now pay attention to reading the new labels. Coldiretti: "More protected consumers and farmers. The next step is the indication of the origin of the fruit to protect the Made…
FOCUS BNL - The improvement in the labor market and income growth have given new impetus to individual consumption, which has recovered what it had lost during the crisis and is the main engine of economic growth in the Eurozone - The expansion…
In recent years, the cyclical phase has strengthened thanks to domestic demand for private consumption and investments, favored by the reduction in the unemployment rate. However, the main risk factors come from bureaucratic inefficiencies and foreign debt.
A study by Carmignac has highlighted some aspects of the global economic cycles, which according to the leading OECD indexes will be on the rise in all the main economic areas, with very close values - USA better than Europe for capitalisations…
Report by the Confindustria Study Center - The German surplus is at record levels and above the ceiling set by the European Commission: it risks damaging the growth of all of Europe - Reviving consumption instead would benefit German families themselves -…
9,5% jump in electricity demand. Thermal and photovoltaic production rose, while geothermal, hydro and wind power decreased.
Between 1995 and 2017, the share of total expenditure on food, tobacco and footwear decreased by 4,5 percentage points, which was almost entirely absorbed by the growth in expenditure on housing (+5,5 percentage points).
According to, the most "expensive" are the refrigerator, which accounts for 28,2% of waste, the stereo, for which more than 22 euros can be spent, resulting in a 16,5% increase in consumption, and a Old TV (therefore not "smart")…
According to Atradius, the strong depreciation of the pound, if on the one hand it helped to support growth, on the other it is now starting to weigh on consumption: wages have not followed inflation, due to low productivity growth.
The Statistical Institute has revised upwards the preliminary estimates for May for the first quarter of 2017. It is the highest level since 2010. Household consumption is up but investments are down. Leap forward in agriculture
In Italy the sector continues to be very competitive (retail sales at +1,9%) with a medium-high level of fragmentation, while in Sweden it benefited (+3,5%) from low interest rates, new trends and rising property prices.
This is the best result since 2010 - Consumption growth slows down, while gross fixed investments accelerate - Tax burden down by 0,4%
Investments in the building sector recorded a drop of 5% in the first ten months of 2016, due to the contraction of private investments (-12,5%). Unsold stock and inaccessibility persist for the weakest income brackets in cities and rural areas.
According to the Statistical Institute, the positive signals from manufacturing companies continue, household consumption is increasing and the signs of a strengthening of inflation are confirmed
A report by Intesa Sanpaolo believes that the growth rate will be substantially maintained also in 2017 (+2,1%), while the good results in the fight against the deficit (expected below the 2% threshold) and public debt ( valued…
7 out of 10 Italians are willing to reward and pay more for the products of sustainable companies - 64% are ready, however, to boycott unsustainable companies - For 87% of those interviewed, sustainability is no longer…
FOCUS BNL - In Italy the dynamics of the last 3 years by no means compensate for the run in prices recorded in the previous period, much more sustained than that experienced in Germany or France - The price was paid by…
FOCUS BNL - For the third consecutive year the Spanish economy, despite the absence of a government for almost a year, is growing more than those of all other European countries - The boost comes from consumption, thanks to the increase in incomes and…
Despite the depreciation of the rupee, Made in Italy is at good levels driven by machinery. But without efficient bilateral agreements, net of the problems opened up by the Regeni case, it will be difficult to break through in a market that by 2025…
According to the Association, in the last 20 years the prices of compulsory consumption have doubled, while compared to 10 years ago the Italians in absolute poverty have almost tripled - Sangalli: "The government must find the courage to reduce the Irpef as early as 2017"
According to EC, IMF and Intesa Sanpaolo data, in 2015 Hungary's GDP grew by 2,9% thanks to domestic demand and exports. Growth of 2,0% is expected for this year, but the weak point remains the external debt above…
INTERVIEW OF THE WEEKEND - According to Paolo Onofri, economist and general secretary of Prometeia, the spring slowdown of the Italian economy is mainly linked to the slowdown of the international economy but the referendum on the constitutional reform projects all its uncertainties on the political scene…
FOCUS BNL - The GDP setback in the second quarter does not depend on Brexit or even on foreign demand, but essentially on domestic demand based on investments and consumption - All of Europe is slowing down but now we need a Law of…
Household wealth also rose, rising by 1,2% last year, supported precisely by the financial component. - The purchasing power of families is growing, thanks to the improvement in the conditions of the labor market and to the fiscal measures of the Government.…
Good news also on the consumption front: household spending will continue to rise in the 1st quarter of 2016 - Tax revenues are also growing, while the labor market has recorded better-than-expected improvements. - Tax revenues up…
The demand for electricity in Italy recorded, with the same calendar and temperature, a drop of 2,2% compared to the same month of the previous year - Almost half of the consumption was made in the North alone.
In 2015 the increase was 0,8%, the first positive result after 8 years. In the fourth quarter alone, the figure fell by 0,9% over the year - The disposable income of Italian households increased by 0,9% in current values,…
This was revealed by the Emerging Consumer Survey by Credit Suisse, a detailed study that takes a snapshot of consumer sentiment and the factors that drive it in all emerging countries - the full document is attached.
The figure was corrected from +1 to +1,4%: analysts expected it to remain at +1% - Record consumption in 2015: +3,1%, the biggest increase since 2005.
According to the National Institute of Statistics, the recovery will continue at a "moderate pace", with an estimated increase in GDP of 0,1% thanks above all to private consumption.
Among businesses, however, there is pessimism and industrial production is struggling to accelerate - Istat points out that the economy is progressing more slowly than expected, but it is driven precisely by household consumption.
FROM THE "RED AND BLACK" BLOG BY ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, Kairos strategist - China is making a major transformation towards a more sustainable development model - The new leadership has defused the real estate mine and that of…
According to the American agency, thanks to the improvement in internal demand, the recovery will consolidate in 2016, but our country will have to push on the corporate investment front while trying to remedy the problem of non-performing loans.
FINDOMESTIC OBSERVATORY ON CONSUMPTION - Household spending on the purchase of new cars grew by 18,2%, to 15,6 billion euro - The recovery is underway throughout the country, but the picture is not homogeneous: in …
FOCUS BNL - The recovery of the Italian economy is inspired by the recovery in consumption, which benefits from the improvement in labor market conditions - The unemployment rate has fallen below 12% but inactivity remains high: around 75%…
There are 9 million Italians who will be shopping for the holidays on the internet this year - Most of the gifts will concern technological products, design objects and cosmetics.
Rethinking Keynes, one can agree on the need for public intervention in the economy but not on conventional therapies that rely on the increase in public expenditure and the use of deficit spending - Furthermore, public intervention must be concentrated on stimulating the increase…
E-commerce giant Alibaba surpassed its previous sales record of $9,3 billion set last year in double the time: $3,9 billion was spent in the first eight minutes after midnight, $XNUMX billion in the first hour .
In 2016 the country is expected to expand by 0,5%, where the improvement in the scenario was helped by the cuts in interest rates by the Central Bank which occurred on several occasions. Slight recovery in business loans.
After the upward revision of GDP and the recovery in consumption already reported by Istat in June, Confcommercio reports a sharp leap in July - The cut of 80 euros per…
As reported by Atradius, in 2015 GDP should grow by 0,9%, followed by +1,4% next year thanks to the dynamics of exports and consumption. But the transition to a more flexible labor market is essential.
INTERVIEW WITH MARIO NOERA - "Monetary policy alone cannot restart growth. The only remedy is to implement policies capable of creating demand" - "The Greek crisis is a lost opportunity to think in time about the necessary remedies"…
Group revenues essentially stagnated in the second quarter, while net earnings fell more than forecast to $3,63 billion, or $1,08 per share versus expectations for $1,28.
In June retail sales volumes decreased by 2,3% on a monthly basis in Germany - The German downturn weighs on the currency union: -0,5% compared to May - Year on year increase halved to 1,2, XNUMX%.
April's figure is the highest in 2 years. However, for Confcommercio some elements of uncertainty remain linked to the perception by households and businesses of the solidity of the recovery
The Statistical Institute revises the figure on an annual basis relating to GDP in the first quarter positively, taking it from 0 to +0,1% - This is the first positive result after 13 quarters - The variation on a quarterly basis has been confirmed (+0,3, XNUMX%)…
Data from Unione Petrolifera in April. The association underlines that this is certainly a positive figure linked to the current favorable situation: in the automotive sector, petrol records a very slight drop but diesel consumption rises sharply - The demand for…
Moving the hands one hour forward, on the night between Saturday and Sunday, will result in an overall saving in consumption of 555,8 million kilowatt hours in the next 7 months - In April and October the months with the greatest savings…
According to Istat, in January retail sales grew by 1,7% on year and by 0,1% on month, while for Confcommercio in 2015 the increase in consumption will be 1,2%.
FOCUS BNL - The reduction in consumer prices is a phenomenon which, to varying degrees, is affecting all the main European economies - In Italy, as in France, it is the…
According to an analysis by Coldiretti presented at Vinitaly in Verona, one glass of wine out of five has disappeared from Italian tables since the beginning of the crisis - Historic overtaking of the consumption of Made in Italy wines abroad compared to those…
According to data provided by Terna in February, the demand for electricity in Italy was 25,2 billion kWh - Almost half of the demand comes from the north of the country
After the increase in excise duties, producers have raised prices especially in the high-end of products and in various cases (Marlboro, Merit, Rothmans and others) the cost of a rigid pack of 20 cigarettes has been brought beyond…
The surge in the Swiss currency (+20,7%) has kick-started cross-border shopping tourism - Direct consumers above all in Germany, but also in France, Italy and Austria - Tourism: "The telephones have stopped ringing and the reservations online are…