The CNEL rejects by majority (the CGIL is against) the proposal to establish the minimum wage by law: "We cannot start from the tail" to address the problem of poor wages and the main path remains that of union bargaining
To get out of the maze of minimum wages and low wages, the Government should convene the social partners to actually release the expired contracts and promote a framework agreement with a down payment adjusted to the inflation gap
Called home by Prime Minister Meloni on the controversial issue of the minimum wage, Cnel has drawn up a 5-point proposal to attack the emergency of minimum wages: here are what they are
The Cnel reveals that the expired collective agreements concern almost 8 million employed people - Meanwhile, the proliferation of collective bargaining agreements continues, but according to the CGIL it affects few workers
According to the report published by CNEL, over 60% of collective agreements have expired in various sectors. Leading credit and insurance, entertainment and construction. Tiziano Treu (President of CNEL): "PNRR avoid low employment repercussions"
A CNEL bill for the ratification of the Convention on Safety and Health in Agriculture, adopted in 2001 but still ignored in our country, lands in the House committee
The Cnel has presented a bill to Parliament to increase the protection of VAT numbers registered only under the INPS separate management - We are talking about maternity, serious illnesses and a new social shock absorber
As many as 2,2 million families are poor despite at least one member being employed - Every year 5,2 million workers live below the poverty line despite receiving regular wages - A report by Cnel, Anpal and Inapp…
According to a study by Cnel, the average expenditure is 157 euros per inhabitant, but in smaller cities the figure rises by about a third, to 210 euros - The north-west spends slightly less than the south, 169 euros against…
The technology underlying bitcoin exchanges can also be used to the advantage of active labor policies, facilitating the meeting between supply and demand and eliminating costs and delays associated with the transfer of data between entities - Due…
The goal is to apply this technology to labor policies to connect databases and put the unitary information system into operation
The Council announces its intention to establish, in collaboration with the Roma Tre University, an Italian Observatory on blockchain policies - As for the Gig Economy, the Information and Labor Commission will meet on Thursday 21 June to start…
The school is the public sector where you earn the least and which has suffered the most significant decrease since 2010 as regards the real average salary. Palazzo Chigi aside, the biggest earners are…
There is a lot of information that you need to know before going to vote in the referendum on the constitutional reform of 4 December - Here is a video guide that, in just two minutes, explains the most important changes that will come into force in…
From the overcoming of equal bicameralism to the transformation of the Senate, from the abolition of Cnel and the Provinces to the redefinition of relations between the State and the Regions and much more: in summary the most relevant changes of the constitutional reform submitted to the referendum of 4…
Assonime's Simple Guide to Constitutional Reform recalls that one of the novelties of the reform subjected to a confirmatory referendum will be the abolition of Cnel, a useless and ineffective body that costs 9 million a year and which is the legacy of a…
The senators, who will be fewer, will no longer receive a parliamentary indemnity and the elimination of Provinces and Cnel will contribute to a general lowering of the operating costs of the institutions, as documented in the Simple Guide of the constitutional reform elaborated by Assonime
The critical document of the 56 constitutionalists and jurists on the reform of the Senate and Title V evades the real underlying question of the October constitutional referendum: is it better the recent reform of the Constitution or the simple status quo? In politics…