WEEKEND INTERVIEWS - Speaks Irene Tinagli, economist, former professor in Spain and deputy of the Democratic Party - "It is difficult to predict whether Brexit in Spain will strengthen the pro-European parties or the anti-EU forces. A grand coalition is only possible if Rajoy takes a step…
Spain: PP and Podemos bring down Sanchez

It now seems impossible to investiture a socialist government, led by Pedro Sanchez with the support of Ciudadanos - Popular Party and Podemos will abstain, making it impossible to reach a majority that currently lacks the numbers: Psoe and the…
Spain: Podemos' no sends the Bolsa into a tailspin

The socialists enter into an official agreement with Ciudadanos and collect an equally official No from Podemos - The road to Moncloa is increasingly uphill and investors are starting to worry - Madrid stock market collapses by 3%,…

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