War cuts gas and pushes coal. And climate disaster is approaching

Germany is the leader in the "derogation" from the anti-Co2 restrictions. But in the name of the gas emergency linked to the conflict in Ukraine, the attention to climate policies, already insufficient, risks further distancing the already difficult objectives of safeguarding the planet. 2022 year…

Enel continues on the path that will lead to the complete decarbonisation of the generation mix by 2050. The group will collect 85 million dollars in cash to be allocated to strategic sectors such as networks, renewables and minority shareholdings. Bayan is a producer…

"The war on coal is over," said the head of the US Environmental Protection Agency, who today will sign a bill to cancel the "Clean Power Plan" passed in 2015 by the former Democratic president - According to the New York Times ,…

The consultation on the new national energy strategy promoted by the government has been postponed to mid-September - the presidents of the parliamentary commissions, Realacci and Epifani have requested it - The expected news

From ENIDAY - Coal or natural gas to produce electricity? Not all energy sources are equal in relation to the environment. Luca Longo explains on ENIDAY why the best choice, to protect our planet and fight against "climate change",…
China: less coal and more steaks

In 2003-2004, recalls an Australian mining entrepreneur, the Chinese came to us asking if we could get more supplies of coal. Now they come to ask: do you know any other beef suppliers?
Coal, future darker than expected

FROM THE "ON-OFF" BLOG OF ASSOELETTRICA - Days numbered for coal? It would be an exaggeration, but the world scenario has drastically changed compared to a year ago, when the International Energy Agency sounded the alarm, absolutely hasty at this point, of the imminent overtaking…