When we have to make important decisions or solve complex problems we need our mind to be flexible to be able to change course quickly.
Sometimes we need our attention to be efficient and to be able to focus on specific details. Here is the right exercise
It is almost universally accepted that counterplay is the determining aspect of card play. Today's hand features Scottish champion Hugh Kelsey
After the summer break, the column “Mental Gymnastics” for a “Winning Brain” is back. Here’s how to train your brain to quickly choose the right words. The conference: Longeva-mente on September 20
The exercise proposed this week by Assomensana on FIRSTonline serves to exploit the "piglio" mechanism to find the names of people we remember immediately
The exercise proposed this week by Assomensana on FIRSTonline serves to activate a mechanism that allows us to select alternative words, compared to those that come to mind at the moment, which are similar but more effective
Help for concentration and rapid retrieval of the words we need comes from this fun exercise: can words be numbers?
Sometimes you can't find the most suitable words to correctly express an idea. Here is the right exercise to train the ability to formulate clear, efficient and compelling sentences.
It happens that you lose concentration and wander off. This exercise helps you focus and not get distracted and, if done quickly, also trains the speed of processing information. It also develops and enhances the following mental skills: language,…
Here is another exercise to train your memory to remember words or numbers that struggle to remain memorable. It is a sophisticated and complex technique, so it requires training. Ready for the challenge?
To remember names and surnames, the optimal condition is to link them together with an acronym. The exercise is not only effective but can also be fun
With the tenth mental gymnastics exercise you will discover a new method to make your memory work better: like in a film
This week the mental gymnastics exercise will help stimulate Concentration, Short-term Memory, Long-term Memory, Creativity. This is the fourth strategy to make your memory work better: creating a mental image
The action of memory, short or long term, needs specific strategies to function best. After using "Associations" last week, this time we use the "Categorizations" strategy
The brain has much more memory than a simple PC. Yet sometimes it seems that our memory fails. Here are the 5 strategies to adopt to remember better
In many situations it happens that we do not notice details that may be important: our brain, in the presence of a lot of information, must be able to quickly select what is of interest. Here is the mental gymnastics exercise that trains three new…
We are at the third episode of Sunday mental gymnastics to have a winning brain created by Professor Iannoccari's Assomensana and disseminated by FIRSTonline. With the third exercise, reasoning, mental flexibility and mathematical calculation are stimulated: important mental skills when…
Every Sunday on FIRSTonline a different mental ability is stimulated thanks to the collaboration with the president of Assomensana, Professor Iannoccari. Tomorrow the third episode with a new exercise
The second episode of the new Firstonline initiative with Assomensana starts. And here is the second exercise to stimulate mental skills. This time Professor Iannoccari will help us stimulate language, verbal memory and processing speed
The proposed exercises are not simple games, even if they are fun, but real scientific tools to maintain the agility, flexibility and performance of the brain at an optimal level
Interview with Giuseppe Alfredo Iannoccari, neuropsychologist, professor of Human Sciences at the University of Milan and president of Assomensana - Companies, when looking for staff, now look at new skills, among which mental skills such as the ability…