Blockchain: for export it is an opportunity

Technological innovation is an increasingly essential factor: if 8,7% of companies with more than 10 employees use robots, skepticism about the actual advantages and potential of data acquisition and interpretation remains widespread in the agri-food sector
Blockchain art: technology enters art

On the site of the digital artist John Orion Young you can buy 80 strange colored puppets: they are small digital sculptures made with the creative tool for virtual reality "Oculus Medium" and then sold through digital interactions using cryptocurrency and smart contracts,…
The blockchain for art by Nicola Attico

The blockchain ecosystem in a book by an Italian author. An important book Blockchain ecosystem guide is in bookstores and on platforms these days. Technology, business, society by Nicola Attico, GueriniNext editions.
Blockchain: how to use it to find work

The technology underlying bitcoin exchanges can also be used to the advantage of active labor policies, facilitating the meeting between supply and demand and eliminating costs and delays associated with the transfer of data between entities - Due…
Will blockchain save independent journalism?

Journalism is an industry under siege and the spread of social media has undermined its economic foundations - The belief is increasingly gaining ground that only by making information consumers pay can journalism be fueled…

THE POINT OF VIEW of the Chief Investment Office WM of UBS - The popularity of cryptocurrencies has increased, but strong doubts remain as to whether they can actually become widely used currencies - Instead, there is optimism about the blockchain, i.e.…