Bestsellers of the past: Emilio Salgari, the journey of fantasy

Salgari was also a great experimenter of the Italian language with which he hypnotized the reader by teleporting him into the exotic environments of his novels. He here is an example of teleportation taken from the first chapter of The Brahmin of Assam: “A huge chariot, formed of beams…
Bestseller of the past: the London of Charles Dickens

The most famous customer of the George and Vulture Tavern in London was that it never existed except in the mind of its creator, Charles Dickens, and in the hearts of his readers: Pickwick Esquire, the buxom, bespectacled hero of…
Bestseller of the past: Salvator Gotta was not only "Youth"

Here we are at the sixth episode of the series on Italian bestselling writers. It is the turn of Salvator Gotta, a writer with a profound Piedmontese character and infinite talent who embraces all genres of the cultural industry: from fiction, to children's books, to non-fiction, to…
Books, the three things to do before writing

According to bestselling writer Jerry Bruce Jenkins, the 3 challenges to overcome to become a book author are: 1) learn the trade from those who do this trade; 2) write something shorter than a book; 3) enter to make…