Mediaset still queen of the Stock Exchange, two-speed banks

The triumphal march of the Biscione continues (+5% in the middle of the session) after Vivendi's overbearing entry into the capital - While Banco Popolare and Bpm recover after the merger deed, proceeds prevail over Unicredit and Montepaschi and…

China is less scary after the positive data on inflation and there is expectation for Yellen's intervention in the afternoon - Listini recovering in Europe and Piazza Affari is galvanized by the Popolari, even the big ones are doing well - Oil in…
Castagna: “Scalable bpm without merging”

The number one of Banca Popolare di Milano, Giuseppe Castagna, once again pleads the cause of the merger with Banco Popolare, stating that if the shareholders do not approve it, the bank would be "easily scalable" and its employees would find themselves "without…
Bags: Europe in deep red

Banks, energy and insurance are the most penalized sectors in all of Europe - At the bottom of the Ftse Mib are Saipem (-4,97%), Unipol (-4,38%), Banco Popolare (-4,28%), Ubi Banca (-4,19%) and Banca Pop Milano (-3,99%).
Bpm-Banco Popolare: ECB yes to the merger

Definitive green light from the ECB for the wedding between Banca Popolare di Milano and Banco Popolare, on which the Bank of Italy had already expressed its favor - Now only the pronouncement of the shareholders' meetings of the two banks is missing
Piazza Affari on parity but Banco Popolare and Bpm fly

The agreement between Riyadh and Moscow gives a boost to oil and the sector's stocks benefit from it, but the two popular companies (Bpm and Banco Popolare) are especially active in Piazza Affari, which are waiting days for the definitive go-ahead from the ECB to…
This is not the time for helicopter money

Neither the Bank of England nor Japan are adopting an anti-crisis strategy based on unlimited liquidity but the theme will be at the center of the meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole - Awaiting data on US jobs -…
Banco Popolare-Bpm: exchange rates fixed

After the capital increase of the Veronese institute, the marriage between the two banks accelerates towards the establishment of the new Parent Company - The exchange ratios provide for one share of the parent company for each Banco Popolare share and for each 6,386 shares…
The markets are betting on NO to Brexit

Three days after the referendum, Bull dominates the stock exchanges, sterling and BTPs recover, gold slows down - In Milan, coupons and the M3S boom are holding back local utilities - Turin: Compagnia Sanpaolo in Appendino's sights - The...
Stock market and banks, finally a rebound in Piazza Affari

After five consecutive knockouts, the stock exchanges find the strength to rebound and Piazza Affari gains 1,5% - The recovery of the banks is decisive with the exploits of Banco Popolare and Bpm - Fashion is also doing well with Moncler and Ferragamo in…

Banks on the ups and downs: Banco Popolare, under growth, continues to decline while Ubi and Bper advance - Oil companies are bad: Tenaris, Eni and Saipem fall despite the increase in crude oil - Telecom Italia is back on track after the news that the ECB…

After yesterday's tumble, today in Piazza Affari the banks are attempting a difficult rebound with one eye on the Unicredit board of directors and another on the capital increases of Banco Popolare and Veneto Banca - Oil is inflaming…

Exploit in Piazza Affari of the two banks close to getting married and the Milan stock exchange becomes the best in Europe - Mps and the oil companies also do well - Acea suffers, however, on which the Raggi effect weighs - All the European price lists are positive…
Yellen, the rate hike can wait

The Fed chairman seemed to rule out a tightening on short-term rates: the market expects the Fed to leave them unchanged next week - Brexit worries but the mining sector gives impetus to the City - The Btp-Bund spread…

The Stock Exchange is trying to understand what the Grillini exploits mean in Rome and how Banco Popolare's capital increase, which starts today, will go - But eyes are also on Yellen, who is speaking today in Philadelphia, and in the referendum…
Stock markets slightly up, oil assets and Accor

Piazza Affari remains positive with some difficulty but waiting for data on US employment hangs over all price lists - Banks in conflict, Banco Popolare falls further - Oil at 50 dollars, Eni, Snam and Tenaris do well - Accor flies…
ECB on with shopping, Wall Street at the top

From Wednesday the ECB, which left rates unchanged and raised growth estimates, will also start buying investment-grade corporate bonds - OPEC disappoints but Wall Street goes to a seven-month high - 30% discount for…

Piazza Affari rewards the banks of the Banco Popolare-Bpm merger with increases of 8% and also Unicredit after Ghizzoni's resignation but it all stems from an announcement by the ECB on a possible solution at European level for problem bank loans -…
Rcs, SuperPopolare and Telecom enliven the market

The takeover bid by Bonomi and the historical partners of RCS sends the stock flying while Cairo ponders what to do - The Bpm-Banco Popolare plan and Cattaneo's cuts in Telecom are appreciated by the market - Oil at its highest for the year…
Banks: the stock market crisis is still here

Fears about the next capital increase and bad bank debts are once again dragging down the stock of Banco Popolare, which loses 9% and partly infects BPM (-6,38%) sinking Piazza Affari (-1,3%) , also as a result of…
Bpm, Nicola Rossi president of the CdS

Nicola Rossi is the new chairman of the Supervisory Board of Banca Popolare di Milano which is about to merge with Banco Popolare: he was elected yesterday by the bank's shareholders' meeting led by Giuseppe Castagna, who is one of the main…

European markets are weak in the middle of the day - Stm runs on the Ftse Mib in the wake of indiscretion on the possible change of CEO - Good Bpm and Banco Pop: possible upgrade coming from Moody's - FCA unchanged…

The government is studying two interventions to ensure the success of the operations: the launch of a Guarantee Fund and the establishment of a vehicle that absorbs non-performing loans - The interventions will not be used for the first increase on…
Banks in trouble: summit at Palazzo Chigi

Bank bad debts, wedding among the Popolari, capital increases and vicissitudes of the entire sector at the center of the maxi-summit on banks held on Tuesday at Palazzo Chigi while the banks suffered yet another black day in Piazza Affari
Banks weigh on Piazza Affari

At the bottom of the list are the promised brides Banco Popolare (-7,5%) and Banca Pop Milano (-5,9%), followed by Mps (-3%) - Unicredit and Intesa also do badly - Telecom Italia in the red after the shipwreck of the merger between Orange and Bouygues…
Banks and the dollar weigh on Easter

After yesterday's declines, trading on the Stock Exchange in Piazza Affari will resume on Tuesday 29 - Rain of sells on the banks and difficult debut for the Superpopular Bpm-Banco, which pays the penalty for the capital increase but has the numbers to…

All European markets in red - In Milan the banks, initially on the rise, are now in negative territory - The market's response to the credit merger is cautious - Asset management is heavy - Plus sign only for…
Piazza Affari celebrates the bank wedding

The drop in oil and the rise of the dollar change the course of the markets but the Milan Stock Exchange celebrates the expected marriage between Banco Popolare and the Bpm and Minister Padoan tweets: "The reforms work, the Popolari change: the more…
Popular merger and Bcc reform: it's the Renzi effect

The go-ahead for the merger between Banco Popolare and Bpm and the approval of the CCB reform in the Chamber are two excellent news that arise from the Renzi government's determination to modernize and strengthen the banking system with reforms…
Bpm-Banco Popolare: yes to the wedding is on the way

Piazza Affari is waiting ad horas for the white smoke for the merger between the two cooperative banks from which the third Italian banking group will be born - Futures indicate a slight rise in the stock markets after yesterday's stability - Mediaset and…
Bags in red after the attacks in Brussels

Negative price lists after the attacks in the Belgian capital - Banks are doing badly in Milan - Cattaneo towards the leadership of Telecom: today the Board of Directors for Patuano's resignation - Bpm-Banco Pop: wedding closer with possible increase in…

Milan is the best in Europe, in the middle of the day, driven by the wait for the white smoke on the wedding between the two Popolari. The shock in Telecom Italia, with the exit of Marco Patuano, is the other hot topic on the Stock Exchange as it cools down…

Eyes on Telecom Italia for the Patuano-Cattaneo relay which will bring many new features, from Tim Brazil to the towers - Even more tense on the eve of the possible Bpm-Banco Popolare wedding, which must give the final answer to the ECB on difficult loans and…
Bpm-Banco: all the ECB's requests

To give the green light to the merger, the Central Bank suggests that a capital increase will be necessary - No to new banking licenses - The Eurotower is also asking for a multi-year business plan and a draft of the statute of the (possible)…
ECB undermines the merger between BPM and Banco Popolare

The European Supervisory Authority is asking for a capital increase from Bpm and Banco Popolare to approve the merger: stocks down on the Stock Exchange - Draghi: rates may fall further - Waiting for the new Eni plan - Fibrillation at the top…