Mps, the future will be neither stand alone nor Alibanca

The road to the merger between Unicredit and Monte dei Paschi is uphill but it certainly remains more viable than the stand-alone plan devised by CEO Bastianini in harmony with the Five Stars and the union between the poor (Alibanca model) with Carige and…
Pop Bari: Spa by June to avoid the crash

The president of Consob, Paolo Savona, thunders against Pop Bari: "700 million of savers are up in smoke" - Meanwhile Invitalia, Mediocredito and the Interbank Fund demand the transformation by June to start the bailout - A reduction is also necessary…
Popular Bari, off to the rescue but among poisons

The Government approves the bailout decree of the Banca Popolare di Bari through the financing of the central Mediocredito but rags fly between Renzians and the Cinque Stelle and the controversies also invest the Bank of Italy which authorized the Tercas operation -…

Banca Popolare di Bari and Cerved Group sign a strategic agreement for the management of non-performing loans and Unlikely to Pay - The nominal amount is 1,1 billion euro, to which future resources will be added.