Black bee honey, nature rhymes with quality on Etna

Peppe Lazzaro, a failed mechanical engineer for love of the black bee, which survived the glaciations but was believed to have disappeared since the 70s. He brought it back to the slopes of Etna and produces a rare honey requested by great chefs and gourmets, by the great property…
Black bee honey, nature rhymes with quality on Etna

Peppe Lazzaro, a failed mechanical engineer for love of the black bee, which survived the glaciations but was believed to have disappeared since the 70s. He brought it back to the slopes of Etna and produces a rare honey requested by great chefs and gourmets, by the great property…
It's hot, even the bees can't work

The bees forced to stay in the hives to refrigerate the broods. A decrease in the production of acacia and citrus honey has already been recorded. Agriculture is also at risk due to lack of pollination.
Wedding in Italian oil: Api buys 100% of TotalErg

The agreement, subject to the Antitrust green light, concerns 2.600 service stations of the TotalErg network, the logistics center in Rome and 25% of the Trecate refinery in Piedmont. The group of the Brachetti Peretti family will thus double the distributors and reach…
Honey: record heat, production halved

This is what Coldiretti estimates in underlining that it is one of the worst results in the history of modern beekeeping for at least 35 years - About 1/3 of imported honey comes from Hungary but a consistent flow of over 10% comes from…
TotalErg, offers postponed to 28 April

The deadline for submitting binding offers to acquire the approximately 12 TotalErg service stations has been postponed from 28 to 2600 April. Extension due to the request for additional information by some of the operators in the race. The value…