Social bee and early workers: INPS starts paying

We start today with the first beneficiaries of the Ape social, who will also receive the arrears, while from the first days of January we will also begin to liquidate the benefits intended for early workers - Agreements are still awaited for the voluntary Ape...
Pensions and work: the two government recipes

Minister Giuliano Poletti illustrates, during the question time in the Chamber and in the meeting with the trade unions, the moves that the Executive intends to implement in the near future in terms of work and pensions. Important changes built on two pillars: structural reduction of contributions…
Pensions, Ape and Rita: the government's Maginot line

In the confrontation with the Government on social security matters, which resumes today, the unions try to circumvent the Maginot Line created by the Executive with Ape and Rita: the objective of the social partners is to strike at the heart of the Fornero reform and lower the age…

Optimism regarding Veneto banks relaunches Piazza Affari - Brexit, Schaeuble opens to the UK: "If you think again..." - Social and early Bees: decrees in the Gazette by Friday - Cipolletta (Assonime): "Less personal income tax and more VAT" - Assolombarda wants to make count of…
Plan for the EU: Ape at risk of postponement

By tomorrow, Italy must send a letter to Brussels with precise commitments on the adjustment of the accounts - In view of possible early elections, it seems unlikely that the government will choose to increase VAT or cut tax deductions, but some measures…