The eccentric entrepreneur was the protagonist of a fierce clash with Brazilian institutions last April, accusing them of impeding freedom of expression by blocking some far-right Twitter profiles
The expression 'Foreigners Everywhere' - explained the curator Pedrosa - has various meanings. It means that wherever you go and wherever you are you will always encounter foreigners: they are/we are everywhere. Secondly, that regardless of your location,…
Amazon, Disney and Starbucks have come under the scrutiny of the Brazilian Federal Police in the investigation into the illegal extraction of minerals, tin in particular, in protected areas of the planet's lungs. For now only the denial comes from Starbucks
The president's approval rating has peaked at 60% since August. Foreign investments return, positive signals from the stock market, but stumbles in the Amazon and war in Ukraine and the Middle East cause financial confidence to falter
According to a report by the UNODC, the UN office that monitors international trafficking, the drug trafficking economy in the Amazon is expanding its criminal activity which now also includes wild logging
Lula in his third term is facing a challenge: to relaunch Brazil after Bolsonaro's populist parenthesis and the crisis in which he left the country. To pass the test he will have to sweep away some ambiguities, starting…
The European law that bans the import of products derived from deforestation on the one hand could benefit China, on the other it worries Brazilian farms
In the South American country it is not only the Covid-19 epidemic that is growing at a frenetic pace: the deforestation of the lungs of the world is also proceeding, taking advantage of the media attention all directed towards the virus. In 2020, an area equal to that of Campania will be deforested.…
Duties and fires in the Amazon, but also Brexit, are the hot topics of the G7 meeting underway in Biarritz, in the French Basque country. The outgoing Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, is also taking part in the summit.
According to the National Space Research Institute of Brazil (INPE), from this year alone (from January 19 to August 83) fires in the South American country have increased by 2018% compared to the same period in XNUMX.