Rising earnings push stocks, but in 2018….

From "THE RED AND THE BLACK" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, strategist of Kairos - For this year the horizon of the Stock Exchanges is rosy but, with wage inflation on the rise and the Qe decreasing, in 2018 the tune may change, depending less than…
Borsa, don't sell before September: that's why

From "THE RED AND THE BLACK" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, Kairos strategist - Except for limited achievements, until September is not the time to leave the Stock Exchange: for two reasons that concern both the USA and Europe - Only at the end…
The markets see pink but without excessive euphoria

From "THE RED AND THE BLACK" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, strategist of Kairos - From the Trump effect to the Macron effect, the stock markets remain bullish but are back with their feet on the ground - The Trump rally "has turned into the old paradigm of…
Fed, where the rate hike leads

FROM "THE RED AND THE BLACK" BY ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, Kairos strategist - The Fed will gradually sell the securities purchased with Quantitative Easing and US rates will rise up to 5% by 2022 - "There is no recession in…
If liquidity drops, where should you invest?

From "THE RED AND THE BLACK" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, strategist of Kairos - In 2018 global liquidity, quadrupled since 2018 by expansionary monetary policies, will slowly begin to decline but the effects on bonds and shares will not be the same…
A wallet for a world in great confusion

From "THE RED AND THE BLACK" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, strategist of Kairos - In a world dominated by absolute confusion, the first thing to do in asset management "is to fortify the monetary-bond defensive part as much as possible" and then "delimit…
Stable markets until November 8: accumulate cash

From "THE RED AND THE BLACK" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, strategist of Kairos - From the chimera of the Helicopter Money to the scrapping of the Qe and the tapering of the ECB: the markets dream but the stability of growth and the very slow rise of inflation in…
US rates, how many hikes? One, none or two

-From the BLOG "IL ROSSO E IL NERO" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, strategist of Kairos - No one knows how many US interest rate hikes there will be this year but the markets don't care - In September it is therefore better to buy on weak bonds and…
Helicopter adventures

From "THE RED AND THE BLACK" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, strategist of Kairos - The chimera of Helicoter Money that mutualises debt and lifts the economy from stagnation seduces and worries the markets - All the pros and cons but "yes…