The total stock of the national energy system, including strategic storage, is 18,7 billion standard cubic meters.
Snam closed the first quarter with a net profit up 11,3% to 335 million euros and record investments of 462 million. Despite a slight decline in revenues of 1,9%, EBITDA grew by 17,8% to 703 million…
Snam CEO Stefano Venier illustrates to the financial community all the numbers of the 2023-27 Plan - Net zero by 2050 on all emissions and growth for all stakeholders. Venier: "Russian gas dropped in Europe from 45 to 14%"
Snam closes 2022 with double-digit growth in revenues and confirms targets for 2023 - CEO Venier: "Snam closes 2022 with satisfaction and a pinch of pride"
Snam's new CEO, Stefano Venier, presented the new Group Plan, realistic and ambitious at the same time
This is the first CO2 capture and storage project in Italy. The planned activities will make it possible to create new job opportunities: over 500 new jobs already in the first phase of the project
The Emilia-based group approves a Plan that confirms its growth path and aims for a gross operating margin of 2025 billion euros and total investments of 1,4 billion by 3,8 - Focus on the environment and innovation - New policy…
Not just smart working: the pandemic is changing the way we work more profoundly than we imagine and finding a balance between face-to-face and remote work is not easy - This was discussed in the workshop promoted by HerAcademy
The annual report dedicated to water quality and the water service published by the Bologna-based multiutility has a new look. In Ravenna, Hera will invest approximately 40 million euro to consolidate the water network and systems
Net profit of over 300 million and dividend of 11 cents per share: these are the highlights of Hera's 2020 financial statements approved today by the shareholders' meeting
The two companies announce the technological collaboration aimed at the technological development of hydrogen - With the aim of accelerating the decarbonization path and creating new development and employment opportunities
The company's shareholders' agreement filed the list for the renewal of the board of directors scheduled for the end of the month meeting - Tommasi di Vignano and Venier confirmed, Mondardini di Cir also on the board
Chairman Tommasi and CEO Venier towards reconfirmation at Hera's top management for the next three years after the appreciation expressed by the Syndicate Agreement - Meanwhile, the Emilia-based Group has decided on anti-Covid-19 insurance coverage for employees, with expenses…
CEO Venier announces "an investment path that is even more sustained than that of recent years"
Stefano Venier, CEO of Hera, in a speech published a few days ago on Firstonline urged to engage in the development of energy efficiency (EE) in Italy with a holistic perspective that also includes the so-called behavioral measures (MC). Cesef shares…
A speech by the HERA GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER - Improving the use of energy, not only for homes but also for companies and the public administration, requires technological innovation and behavioral measures: initial resistance must be overcome. Useful incentives but they must not enter into…
INTERVIEW OF THE WEEKEND with STEFANO VENIER, CEO of the Hera group, a multi-utility of excellence - "Efficient management requires adequate dimensions, technologies and rules that reward the best operators". Remote control and satellite against leaks. "The single national tariff would be…
The 118 public shareholders who hold a total of 51,3% of the share capital of the Emilian multiutility confirm the executive chairman Tomaso Tommasi di Vignano, the managing director Stefano Venier and the vice chairman Giovanni Basile for another three-year term.