Follini: "A balanced disarmament is needed on the Quirinal"

INTERVIEW WITH MARCO FOLLINI, former Deputy Prime Minister - A few days before the start of voting for the new President of the Republic "we are dangerously close to the perfect storm" and it is "disarming to see politics completely in the dark on the eve of the vote"…
Quirinale in the fog: why we need a constitutional pact

Voting is just a few days away, but the situation is extremely uncertain - In addition to identifying the best possible Head of State, we need a constitutional pact that guarantees government stability so as not to ruin everything Draghi and…
Giorgio Napolitano emergency heart surgery

The President Emeritus of the Republic fell ill yesterday afternoon and underwent heart surgery in the night at the San Camillo hospital in Rome - "Successful surgery", the next few hours will be decisive - On Sunday he spoke on TV about the current situation of the Resistance…
The reform of the Constitution in 10 points

REFORM OF THE CONSTITUTION, FACTSHEET - How the Senate is changing: functions and composition - New methods for electing the President of the Republic and the members of the Constitutional Court - Farewell to Provinces and Cnel - What changes for the laws of…
All the numbers of the Quirinale

This year, the expenses of the Presidency of the Republic will reach 236,8 million euros, of which 224 will weigh on the state budget, seven less than in 2009 – Many cuts arrived in 2014 – The most expensive item…
The Constitution is not a taboo: let's try to change it

It was enough for Prime Minister Letta to mention the need to change the rules of our Constitution (but is it really the most beautiful in the world?) on the election of the Head of State for the controversies of the purists to immediately unleash - Instead…
Quirinale, skip Marini or skip the Bersani-Berlusconi pact?

Faced with the failure of Marini's candidacy to take off, the Pd finds itself faced with 3 alternatives: 1) to leave the former president of the Senate on the field at least until the fourth vote in the framework of the Pd-Pdl-Sc pact; 2) change horse immediately by sending to…