on 11 February 2013, hearing the formula "Ingravescenti aetate", the Ansa Vatican correspondent understood what was happening: Benedict XVI had announced his resignation. It remains a historic fact in the history of the Catholic Church
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the first in history to resign, has been the guardian of the intransigent faith to guide Christians in the behavior of daily life
After the rumors of recent days, the official announcement arrived today: the new president of the IOR is the German financier Ernest von Freyberg, a member of the Knights of Malta - The other members of the Board of Superintendence maintain their positions,…
THE OPINIONS of political scientists PEDRAZZI AND PASQUINO - Pedrazzi: "Yes, after the Pope's resignation, the media limelight will no longer be the exclusive prerogative of the political elections and this will especially damage Berlusconi" - Pasquino: "No, I don't think that the gesture of…
Ratzinger's shock announcement has unleashed an uproar on the web but so far there have been few reactions from the political world: only Hollande has spoken abroad - the German government, on the other hand, is "disturbed", but Merkel has yet to speak - The press…
The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, which came at the end of a consistory, amazes even the Church - Father Lombardi, director of the Press Office: "The Pope took us a bit by surprise" - "A new Pope by March, for Easter" .
Joseph Ratzinger makes his debut today on the social network of 140-character tweets: the first tweet is scheduled for December 12, but the network has already gone wild - Here are some comments, mostly ironic or polemical.