INTERVIEW WITH VIERI CERIANI, a great tax expert and former Undersecretary of the MEF - "The Government's goal of obtaining 7,2 billion from the fight against tax evasion in a year is very ambitious but if exemptions and tax breaks are not reviewed, it will not…
Mario Monti and six former ministers claim government action that prevented "Italy's financial explosion". During a meeting "The Monti government four years later: what is the relationship between technicians and politics?" at the Luiss University of Rome, the executive of technicians…
The block on the indexation of pensions decided by the Monti government in 2011 was not the only possible choice and has not even decreased public spending - It would have been better to cut other expenditure items such as that of intermediate consumption or…
Palazzo Chigi confirms once and for all that in applying the ruling of the Consulta on the equalization of pensions it will follow the line indicated by Minister Padoan: repayments in installments and only for the lowest pensions - Next week the…
The Renzi government resorted to a vote of confidence 41 times and presented 27 decrees, to which must be added the 26 inherited from the Letta government and 4 from the Monti government - The conversion laws passed from…
After yesterday's +12,8%, the rally of the Sienese bank continues in Piazza Affari, which will be forced to pay the coupons of the Monti Bonds in shares.
Together with the entrepreneur Augusto Calore Pretner, Clini would have diverted 3,4 million euros from a loan for the rehabilitation of water in Iraq - The project in question was called "New Eden" and provided resources for a total of 54 million euros,…
An instrumental alarmism that will dominate the European electoral campaign is circulating in the Fiscal compact signed by the Monti government, but the truth is very different from what is being advertised and it is time to reveal it to the country: Italy will indeed be called to…
According to the Statistical Institute, the Italian GDP will drop by 1,4% in 2013 and will achieve a slight recovery of 0,7% in 2014 - Data in line with the latest forecasts of the European Commission, but not with those of the government Mountains,…
The President remains until the last day of his mandate - "The Monti Government still operational" - Napolitano contacts two small groups of different personalities to elaborate proposals on institutional, economic-social and European issues - The names of these…
Absurdly, the leaders of far-left groups are picking on Monti for Finmeccanica's failures but forget that Orsi was proposed by the PDL and the Lega, who then prevented the Government from removing him - But Ingroia and…
Premier asks interior ministers to "do everything possible" to guarantee the right to vote for students abroad - If a solution is not reached through legislation, the most probable hypothesis is that young people…
So far, through three decrees, 10 billion public funding has been allocated to protect 130 expatriates, but the number of workers in this condition still remains high - 55 people had been protected with a provision included in the…
The Premier resigned in the press conference at the end of the year: "I don't take sides with anyone. I would like the parties to take sides in favor of ideas. I hope that our Agenda on Europe and change can be shared by a…
A document will soon be published in which the Professor explains his political project for Italy in a programmatic way - "The agenda is not addressed to the centre, neither to the right nor to the left: it is, modestly, an erga omnes agenda" - "Not…
The prime minister remains the most suitable person to rebuild Italy - The importance of a new political offer that clearly differs from Berlusconi's bankruptcy experience and from the inadequacy of Bersani's proposal, too conditioned by Vendola, and which guarantees great credibility …
"A year ago this government was launched, today, however, through no fault of the Mayan prophecy, we will have to end our role", joked the Professor - Today the green light for the stability law and the decree for the ineligibility of convicts, …
"We are waiting for an official response from Monti, who has not even decided to make a phone call" - The Knight reconfirms his candidacy and again attacks the economic policy of the technicians - Meanwhile the decree on the ineligibility of…
He will not stand as a candidate in the elections, but the endorsement to the federation of the forces of the Center will - To support him Montezemolo and related groups, the UDC of Casini and the Montiani leaving the PDL with the appendix of Fini - Objective: 20% ...
In his long-awaited speech, the head of state left by expressing all his regret for the fact that the Monti government has not reached the end of the legislature, and announced that he will not resign early: it will be him…
Monti's pronouncement is expected in days: to stand as candidate for prime minister in the elections or to stand aside in view of the succession to the Presidency of the Republic? The centrists and most of the European leaders are rooting for the confirmation of the Professor as the first…
Hollande: "Berlusconi? With him, what is true one day is no longer true the next" - Merkel: "The Monti government has done a lot and has played an important role for Italy's trust and credibility" - Il…
"This is not the time", says the Premier from Brussels - The EPP again against Berlusconi: "We are against all forms of populism" - Barroso: "We need a stable Italy" - Bersani: "Monti's rigor is a point of no return" - The…
An amendment by the rapporteurs on which the go-ahead has arrived from the government plans to correct the rule desired by the previous government, which made the reunification of the contribution periods very expensive for those who have passed from public work to…
The Premier replies to the Cavaliere: "We need prudence in judging the reforms: interrupting them is worse than not doing them" - "Essential spread for credit to companies" - The Development decree will be voted tomorrow morning - The Democratic Party: primaries also to elect candidates...
More than the duration of the timetable, the problem of today's school is that of the professionalism of the teacher and the effectiveness of a system mortified by low quality and the absence of meritocracy - The lesson of Pearson's research - Italy fluctuates between …
The chancellor supports Monti: "I support his reforms and I am sure that the Italians will vote in such a way as to ensure that Italy remains on the right path" - The German foreign minister against Berlusconi: "We will not accept that Germany becomes…
The premier speaks from Oslo, at the press conference for the award of the Nobel prize to the EU: "Let's not dramatize the reactions of the markets" - "Whoever wins the elections will respect the commitments made with Europe" - On the possible candidacy: "I am not considering the matter in…
After Silvio Berlusconi's outstretched entry into Mario Monti's executive, an intense chorus of European voices arose, from Merkel to Hollande, who fear a populist drift in Italian politics, which would halt the reform process by threatening…
Monti's resignation and Berlusconi's return to the stage bring turmoil to the markets - Piazza Affari loses more than 3%, while the Btp-Bund spread shoots upwards, now above 360 bp - They sink, among many…
The resignations announced by Prime Minister Mario Monti weigh on banks and spreads, but the Mediaset stock is on the rise after Silvio Berlusconi's return to the field - Banks, on the other hand, collapse: Pop Milano (-4,85%), Mps (-4,73%), XNUMX%), Intesa Sanpaolo…
Angelo Bagnasco, president of the CEI, in an interview with Corriere della Sera: "Irresponsible are those who think of settling down while the house is still burning" - "The caretaker government has protected us from humiliating capitulations".
The spread immediately flies to 350bps and the Stock Exchange opens at -2,4%: it is Berlusconi's poisoned gift that has put the Monti government in crisis - Bank stocks collapse - Today Greece will announce success…
The Prime Minister is not floating, he clarifies the responsibilities of the PDL and announces to Napolitano his resignation after the vote on the stability law - Appreciation of Casini and Bersani, while the professor does not rule out…
"Impossible to continue the mandate": these are the words of Prime Minister Mario Monti to President Napolitano, after what was said yesterday by the PDL secretary Angelino Alfano - First, however, he will try to get the stability and budget laws approved.
Alfano confirms to Napolitano the exit of the PDL from the majority and the consequent end of the Monti government but also the commitment to pass the stability law - The Executive will still live a couple of weeks, then the consultations of the Quirinale and…
These are the words of the PDL secretary coming out of the meeting with the Head of State at the Quirinale - "Things are getting worse after 13 months, we don't need too many arguments: we don't want to send the country into a shambles".
Winds of crisis for the Government after the decision of the Pdl to leave the majority and settle on an abstention line - Tomorrow Alfano goes up to the Quirinale - Napolitano against a convulsive end of the legislature: he will decide the da…
The political uncertainty that puts the Monti government at risk makes Piazza Affari nervous: - 0,75% - The Btp-Bund spread rises to 325 basis points - The Saipem scandal also makes itself felt on the stock exchange: the share collapses and loses 6,85%…
INTERVIEW WITH ANGELO PANEBIANCO, POLITICAL SCIENTIST - "Il Cavaliere has devoured his children, including Alfano. And he is starting to lead the center-right towards defeat" - "I think it will take an entire legislature for this political party to rethink and re-define whether…
Tussle in the Senate, where confidence in the maxi-amendment on the bis development decree passes with just 127 votes in favor - Most of the Pdl senators leave the Chamber - Finocchiaro (Pd): "The Government no longer has a majority. I think Monti…
According to the technicians of Palazzo Madama, the risks of avoiding the new tax on financial transactions are too high, not to mention the "tax competition" that could come from other EU countries.
The amendment to the growth decree which plans to extend the beach concessions for five years, from 2015 to 2020, passes the Industry commission - The Executive had given the opposite opinion because it is a measure contrary to EU directives.
Record BTPs and spreads almost halved compared to the beginning of the Monti government - Greece's clarification on the buyback and Merkel's willingness to reduce Athens' debt are decisive - Meanwhile the Eurogroup says yes to aid to…
The Ism index of American manufacturing falls below forecasts and the stock exchanges shut down even if Piazza Affari remains positive (+0,43%) - The Btp-Bund spread stands at around 300 and Monti says: "I'd like to take it to 287,…
Given the unsustainability of the NHS, privatizing may not represent blasphemy, provided the State maintains the necessary and continuous control of the quality of the services provided, with certain and exemplary sanctions for those who transgress, whether public or private.
The Monti effect lowers the spread to the levels of last March and the 300-year BTP sees XNUMX - Banks in Piazza Affari with the turbo but Sea alarm: the IPO is on the rise, the placement closes today but for now…
The Premier against the controversies arising from his statement on the unsustainability of the health system: "We need innovation, and this has nothing to do with the logic of privatization" - The governors: "With the new cuts in health care, the Regions are…
The Treasury has formalized the postponement of the deadline for the delivery of the Imu declaration from November 30 to February 4 - Here's who must present the document - Green light to the amendment that abolishes the exemption for banking foundations - Perfume:…
The new agreement between the social parties on productivity intervenes on the rules of the labor market, strengthening company bargaining - The weakness and danger of the concerted method has been highlighted.
No more confusion of roles: saving the industrial reality of Taranto is up to the Government and the public administrations while the judiciary must deal only and exclusively with violations of environmental and safety standards and any related crimes - The…
In response to the announced closure of the iron and steel plant, the Minister of the Environment explains that the Government wants to "make possible the full application of the Hague and, at the same time, allow the continuity of production activities".
THE STABILITY LAW POINT BY POINT - The Chamber gives the green light to the measure with 372 votes in favour, 73 against and 16 abstentions - Now the ball passes to the Senate - Here is the news: deductions on children…
Premier in Dubai: "With a budget deficit of less than 3% this year and structural equilibrium next year, Italy's public finances are healthy" - "Growth potential" unlocked thanks to reforms that "are worth 4 for the OECD points of…
INTERVIEW WITH FORMER MINISTER GIANCARLO GALAN, (Pdl) - "Alfano and Berlusconi? They were both wrong and the Pdl cannot present itself with the same faces: something new is needed. Go back to the liberal principles of 94: less State, less laws, less taxes and Martino…
The ECB president spoke today at the inauguration of the Bocconi University academic year - "It is essential that the consolidation process be credible, irreversible and structural" - Prime Minister Mario Monti was present: "Government activity is aimed at youth" - For…
This first article begins with a series of three interventions on the Monti government and exports. Here we examine what has been done in this matter in the first twelve months of life of the caretaker government. Not a little, even if there are still many missing…
The main observation of Palazzo Spada concerns the need to better define what are "non-commercial" activities, referring to "economic activity as defined by EU law" - The new regulation guarantees several loopholes for non-profit organizations, which in…
Agreement on an amendment presented by the rapporteurs - The de-indexation of the highest pensions is envisaged, starting with those six times higher than the minimum (3.000/3.500 euros) to guarantee coverage - "Government satisfied".
The new text provides for an ad hoc definition of what is not considered a commercial activity - Non-profit activities, including ecclesiastical ones, will be exempt from the Imu on the portions of "mixed" use properties from which they obtain profits -…
As for a possible balance sheet, Monti specified that the Executive is studying the provision, "but it won't introduce it overnight".
For the State General Accounting Office, the resources identified in the amendment to the stability law presented to the Budget Commission in the Chamber by the rapporteurs are insufficient - The enlargement of the audience of the "safeguarded" would be excessive compared to the sums envisaged in the proposed modification.
SUMMARY OF THE SPEECH BY LEONARDO MORLINO, (Luiss) AT THE SEMINAR OF THE BRUNO VISENTINI FOUNDATION - How and why a year ago Italy arrived at the technical government of Monti who celebrates his birthday on Tuesday - Comparison with other democracies -…
If we limited ourselves to remodulating the measures established by the Government, the financial structure of the maneuver could hold up: the problem is finding the coverage to reduce the tax wedge - The cancellation of the Irpef cut makes it possible to recover 4,27 billion…
Il Cavaliere to Bruno Vespa: "We will not campaign against Monti", and shift the focus to Angela Merkel - As for the new electoral law, the former prime minister attacks the hypothesis of reintroducing preferences instead of blocked lists, the norm more…
The President of ACRI Giuseppe Guzzetti at the Savings Day: "Monti hasn't even been at the helm of the country for a year and it seems like an era. The fruits in terms of regained credibility in the international context were immediately evident and…
In the Council of Ministers, the Government finalizes the decree for the revision of the Provinces - Those with ordinary statute should go from 86 to 50 or 52, including the 10 new metropolitan areas - Ad hoc Commissioners for…
"The challenge of recovery rests on savings" is the theme of the Savings Day promoted by ACRI (the association of banking foundations) which will animate the discussion between the Governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco, the Minister of Economy Vittorio Grilli , the president of the Abi…
To the arrows arriving from Arcore, Monti replies with the understatement: "Today the spread is 350 for some reason that escapes me" - The government crisis hypothesized by Berlusconi? "It's not a threat" - "I think the best thing is…
The exponent of the Frankfurt board at a conference at Bocconi: "Late, but the reforms have been made. Now it is important that the markets perceive political and social consensus" - As for the possible rescue of Spain, "it is a decision that…
The parliamentary commissions have given a negative opinion to a series of measures, including the increase in teachers' working hours - The decree to cut the costs of politics in the Regions rejected - VAT: hypothesised increase only by the third...
Parliament is looking for a way to lighten the burden of taxes and contributions on payroll - A proposal also made by the director general of Confindustria, Marcella Panucci - The most probable hypothesis is to completely renounce the reduction of the two…
Parliamentary hearing of the president of ASSONIME, LUIGI ABETE on the stability law - The need to change the Italian-style Tobin tax (both harmonizing its implementation times with the rest of Europe and lowering the rate) was at the center of the speech by Fir…
The Labor commission of the Chamber has approved an amendment to the stability law which expands the guarantees for the redundant - The Executive had given an opinion against the text for reasons of financial coverage - The solidarity contribution of the…
The general director of Confindustria Marcella Panucci said it during a hearing in Parliament - "In this context, the reduction of the budget for tax refunds could accentuate the financial problems of companies".
A large public group like Finmeccanica cannot be left to rot like this: the scandal surrounding the ineffable ex-minister Scajola is spreading but above all paralyzing the activities of the holding company in Piazza Monte Grappa - It's time for the Government to decide…
According to the Treasury Minister, the cut in income tax and the measures on deductions and deductions "will have positive effects for 99% of Italian taxpayers" - Bersani: "It's false, the law needs to be changed" - Bankitalia: "New measures in spring" - Court…
The pressing of the parties has convinced the government to review the fiscal chapter of the stability law - The most probable hypothesis is that the personal income tax reductions will be removed in order to intervene on the most controversial social issues and cancel the…
Proposals for the offsetting measures to keep the balances unchanged will be presented to the House Culture, Science and Education Committee on Thursday.
Attacking the measure - The Government plans to replace the linear cuts in tax rebates with more targeted interventions, which however would not guarantee the same revenue - On Irpef and VAT we are moving towards a choice of sides for…
To boost new hi-tech companies more than the tax incentives provided for by the government decree, the role of sponsor of large companies and research-oriented institutes of excellence is decisive - The Bellandi-Coltorti survey presented on 8 October at Artimino…
As for the direct intervention of the ESM for the recapitalization of Spanish banks, the Premier believes that "presumably it can take place at a certain point in 2013", when centralized supervision will come into force in the hands of the ECB.
The manager, who spoke with Matteo Renzi at the highly armored conference "Unblocking Italy's growth: a revolutionary project" at the Four Seasons in Milan, demystified some reforms of the Executive considered almost unanimously positive and sounded the alarm: "The priority is growth , not the cuts.…
In the crosshairs the unpacking of the crime of extortion and the penalties that are too light for the trafficking of influence and corruption between private individuals - In an opinion of the CSM anticipated today by La Repubblica we read that the "reforms of substantive law…
Fassina, the economic head of the Democratic Party, is wrong when he claims that we are in "another phase" with respect to the Monti agenda, whose strong point is the awareness that the crisis can be overcome by strengthening Europe rather than only seeking domestic solutions - …
The new levy affects almost all financial products: investment funds, life insurance policies, government bonds, various bonds - For this year the rate is one per thousand, but with a minimum threshold set at 34,2 euros - Below the limit…
The additional cost for the state would be 440 million euros, but at the moment the government has allocated only 100 million for exodus workers in 2013.
Speaking of the changes to the deductions contained in the Stability Law, the Finance Minister declared that Parliament will have the last word on retroactivity - "But hedging constraints must be respected" - On debt reduction: "In 2013 I hope to…
This was announced by the Minister of Justice Paola Severino: "This is a law that we all consider indispensable for the country, a law of which I believe Italy can feel proud" - And accuses the IDV: "Someone said that we are friends …
The Minister of Labor announces that in the text of the stability law "there will no longer be the taxation of the accompanying allowance and the 50% cut on the permits provided for by law 104 for the disabled or the care of relatives...
Funds paid by insurance companies in the event of the insured's death will remain exempt from Irpef - Pensions and disability benefits, war pensions and privileged military pensions will instead be taxed - The ceiling of 3 euros is for…
The text now passes to the Senate, then the Government will have nine months to issue the delegated decrees - Various measures are on the table: land registry reform, rules on abuse of rights, unification of tax agencies, revision of tax collection...
Italian taxpayers will have to deal with the new limits on deductions and deductions starting from the 2012 tax return (730 and Unico 2013) - Furthermore, the deductible of 250 euros will also apply to almost all…
"Coverage is largely insufficient" - The bill "significantly lowers the average age of access to retirement, determines burdens of considerable size, compromising the effects of the reform" - Camusso: "Parliament must insist".
The decisive meeting between Confindustria and the trade unions is scheduled for tomorrow at 20 - The prime minister would like to come up with something concrete to present to the European Council on 18 October.
At Sioi, the Italian Society for International Organization, François Crépeau (UN) spoke about immigration in Italy, pointing out that there are no precise rules that protect the human rights of immigrants, in particular those of migrants - "Prohibiting the practice of towards…
The cycle of the Italian iron and steel miracle risks ending with the closure of the Taranto and Piombino plants - After the mistakes of public and private companies, it is time for a turning point for Italian steel that will preserve its excellence…
The parties try the blitz to sweeten or distort the pension reform but there is no coverage and Fornero tries to stop them - On the fight against corruption, the clash in the Government between Catricalà (supported by Severino) and Patroni Griffi on the commissioner…
In the presentation of the 2.0 growth decree there are also two articles that concern internationalisation: in particular, support for the internationalization of innovative startups and the establishment of Desk Italia for the attraction of foreign investments in Italy.
One of the latest amendments approved provides for a halt to the merger of tax agencies - The president of the Conte commission: "The government puts its trust in the House and the Senate" - Undersecretary Ceriani: "Possible anticipation of the Tax Cut Fund to 2013"…