TV, the lockdown explodes streaming (+52%)

According to research by Sensemaker, the months spent at home due to Covid have caused streaming TV to grow by 52% - Merciless data for traditional TV - The public prefers to pack their own programming
Wine: we start again with Vigneti Aperti

The world of wine is one of the sectors most affected by the health crisis. The absence of tourists, the lockdown and intermittent openings have led to a significant drop in consumption. Enough to bring the cooperatives of Italy, France and…
New Dpcm, there is the text: all measures in 10 points

The curfew will be able to begin even before 22pm throughout Italy - Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d'Aosta and Calabria become red zones with partial lockdown - What measures are envisaged for each of the three zones (yellow, orange and red)? How long will it last…
Dpcm, Conte: “Evening curfew. Limits between Regions”

The Premier illustrates the content of the new Dpcm to the Chamber: limits on night-time and inter-regional travel, closures for shopping centers (on weekends) and museums, high school students at home - In the individual Regions, possible further restrictions depending on the level...
Soft lockdown coming: here's what could close

On November 9, the Government could decide to impose a soft lockdown to curb the exponential increase in infections from Covid-19 - However, it will not be like in March-April, it will be a matter of restrictions on the French model: here's what could close and what…
Bags ko for fear of new lockdowns

The fear of a further resurgence of Covid and consequent lockdowns sends the markets into a tailspin, especially in Europe - Piazza Affari loses almost 3%: oil stocks in particular are under pressure, but not only - It only saves…
Italy, it's time for a burst of pride

Our country seems to have lost the great sense of responsibility shown during the lockdown and instead right now we need a leap in quality both to implement the reforms required by the Recovery Fund and to roll up our sleeves to...
Summer holidays 2020: return of car travel

The private car remains the preferred choice for 78,3% of Italians for travel - A figure that has increased compared to 2019 according to a survey by Confturismo-Confcommerio - Planes, trains and ferries in line
Businesses, liquidity and closed gates: 2 taboos to dispel

In recent weeks, the suddenness of the emptying of the coffers of medium and large companies has been overestimated, which in reality at the beginning of 2000 enjoyed better health than they say, and the consequence of the gradual recovery has been underestimated…