Goodbye floppy disks, Japan says no more storage on diskettes

After an era that lasted nearly half a century, Japan has finally eliminated the use of floppy disks in public administration. An important step towards the technological modernization of the country which, despite its know-how, struggles to digitalize. The floppy disk anyway…
Next Egg 1.0: the vegan egg arrives from Japan

After the substitutes for meat, fish or butter, a new proposal arrives: the vegan eggs of the Japanese start-up Next Meats. A product that perfectly imitates the egg but has no animal origins, also perfect for those who are…
Trade, Asia: historic agreement between 15 countries

The "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership" (RCEP), the largest trading bloc in the world, is born - It includes, among others, China, Japan and South Korea - India is largely absent - In addition to the economic consequences, the alliance has a huge…
Farewell to Stefano Carrer, brave journalist of the Sun

The victim of a mountain tragedy, Stefano Carrer, a journalist with Il Sole 24 Ore specializing in international finance and a great connoisseur of Japan, for whom he had been a correspondent for years, has suddenly disappeared - A professional of great…
Trump lowers the bar and the Nasdaq sets a new record

Japan soars and the US stock exchanges reap new records - The markets seem anxious to dismiss the Iranian crisis in order to start again and Trump offers them the opportunity while waiting for the agreement with China on tariffs - Rain of bonds on the eurozone…

In Italy, Japanese cuisine has been advancing for some time and the latest trend is that of a fusion between two very different but both healthy diets - The pioneer is the starred chef Yoji Tokuyoshi with his restaurant in Milan…
Usa and Japan, in 2018 ICT stimulates growth

Both in the USA (+3,9%) and in Japan (+1,2%) the Information Communication Technology dynamic is consolidated, with high levels of competition and consumption thanks to the proliferation of start-ups and the life cycle of products ever shorter. The biggest…
The art of origami in modern and contemporary art

Several artists have been inspired by this art, including Alighiero Boetti (1940-1994) present at the Thinking Italian auction last October 2017 in London at Christie's with the work Origami (Airplane) sold for 35 thousand pounds.

On the wet Japanese track, an almost constant condition throughout the weekend, the rider from Forlì collects his fifth success of the season by hitting the big target: what he needed to keep the world championship fight open in the continuation of the Triple Championship.