The Chamber of Deputies is about to vote on the annual law for the market and competition that requires producers to communicate to consumers if a product has suffered a reduction in the quantity sold and a related increase in price.…
At the end of the marathon meeting, which began last Monday, the National People's Assembly has produced limited support measures to alleviate the difficulties of debt repayment for local authorities. Mattarella's words in Beijing
Call centers bombard users with advertising calls, while obtaining assistance from customer services becomes increasingly complicated and automated. An unequal treatment that raises questions about the regulation and control of these companies
Among the main innovations of the agreement, there is now a section dedicated to the analysis of major economic and social trends, together with a digital education program and projects on sustainability and technological innovation
The Court of Milan condemns the website which offered refunds in exchange for 5-star reviews. It is the first civil case won by Amazon in Italy. The new returns policy will launch from March 25th
The minister seems to want to make fun of consumers by pretending to forget that the price of petrol that matters is not the industrial one but the one at the pump and that the excise duties that weigh on the price do not rain from the sky but…
Uphill rescue for the insurance company. Generali, Poste Vita, Unipol, Intesa Sanpaolo Vita and Allianz reaffirm their willingness to intervene. But they want all banks to lend money for redemptions.
The member countries of the EU before the new directive on a primary good at the center of environmental battles. The fight against microplastics and savings on a European scale
The Ministry has renewed the role of the Consortium for balsamic vinegar in the promotion and protection of an Italian excellence. The fight against imitations.
Fight against scams and unfair commercial practices, verify the quality and safety of public services, adapt regulations: these are the objectives of a new Parliamentary Commission for consumer protection in the final exam by the Chamber
The French expert Guillaume Coudray sounded the alarm reporting WHO data: almost 4 cases of colon cancer and 500 of the stomach attributable to the consumption of cured meats in France alone. All countries are aligning themselves with the production of hams and…
The banking group led by Carlo Messina and the main consumer associations renew the agreement launched in 2019. The new agreement is based on three thematic areas in order to consolidate and strengthen joint action on the territory and perfect the…
Assoutenti has launched an important document for the transition to a different way of producing and consuming. Benefits for companies and clarity for buyers
In a conference at the Sapienza University of Rome, academics, regulators, financial intermediaries and consumer associations agree on the centrality of the simplification and transparency of insurance contracts
The Banking Group has produced a first consultation brochure dedicated to households and individuals to help them navigate the various banking products - In order to ensure maximum clarity on the characteristics of the products and services
The Antitrust information campaign is underway, celebrating the 30th anniversary of its foundation with a communication aimed at making consumers aware of their rights. A site and video: #convenient to know
The bank illustrated the various initiatives (not just philanthropic ones) put in place against the emergency to the associations belonging to the CNCU.
The project is based on the principle of the "suspended dinner", a form of advance payment, granted by the customer to his "place of the heart". The menu must be strictly Italian and will enjoy discounts from 15 to 30 percent on the prices…
Quarterly discussion tables on commercial news, technological innovations and market developments with Adiconsum, Adoc, Cittadinanzattiva, Codacons, Federconsumatori and Udicon.
Despite the much talk of cooking on the TV media, Italian catering is experiencing a period of great change. For 13.269 new restaurants opened, 25.934 have closed. The success of food delivery is a phenomenon of recent years. The kitchen…
US job creation continues, and this, coupled with good real wage growth, fuels confidence and spending, while the high saving rate ensures there are no excesses.
Stefano Barrese, head of Intesa Sanpaolo's Banca dei Territori: "We have signed a binding agreement intended to innovate the relationship between customer-consumers and the bank"
"Insurance distribution in the Insurance Code" was the focus of a conference at the La Sapienza University of Rome which examined the relationship between the new rules of the insurance world, market dynamics and the centrality of…
Unicredit has renewed the agreement with 13 consumer associations which commits both parties to undertake initiatives aimed at protecting consumers and customers
The race by the Italian Parliament for the radical reform of the class action raises many perplexities because it does not take into account the Directive in progress in the EU and seems to reflect more an anti-company ideological approach than the real protection of citizens damaged by crimes…
The provision, already approved by the Chamber, from this week enters the Senate and widens the field of action by providing for its use for all citizens and not just for users and consumers - Here's how the cost and…
INTERVIEW with ALESSANDRO DE NICOLA, president of the Adam Smith Society - "The Government's proposal to impose the closure of shops on Sundays not only limits the freedom of retailers but also that of consumers" by giving up many advantages to favor…
For the first time, the confederal unions of the telecommunications are sounding the alarm against the aggressive commercial policy of Iliad which would threaten "the whole system of development of communications and employment in our country" but who will represent the 1.200 workers of the French operator …
The provision that is about to enter into force contains loopholes that will in fact greatly limit the effectiveness of the new rules to protect consumers.
Consumer protection in the matter of equalization billing for the supply of electricity, gas and water at the center of a new proposal from the Productive Activities Commission of the Chamber of Deputies
In October, all Italian productive sectors, with the exception of construction, recorded an increase in confidence, on pre-crisis levels - Consumer confidence also improves for the fifth consecutive month.
The manufacturing and services sectors did well, while construction and the retail trade slowed down. The month of August saw an index level not seen since pre-crisis times. The climate data is also good…
From 1 June, the electricity group will stop making phone calls to potential new customers to stipulate electricity and gas contracts. Only those who are already customers will be called if they have given their consent. Shops, call centres, website, apps remain active…
Banca Popolare di Bari has signed an agreement with the Committee of Consumer Associations to support small shareholders in temporary difficulty (economic or health) through the establishment of a one million euro fund to be paid…
The postponement of electricity liberalization, the rejection of Uber and the suspension of the uprooting of olive trees for the Tap pipeline mark the triumph of vested interests and the preservation of existing structures in a political phase that is feeling the effects of the approaching elections…
In January, the index measuring the confidence climate of manufacturing enterprises rose from 1003,7 to 104,8. On the other hand, the index for consumers was down: it fell to 108,8, from 110,9 in December
The electricity group has signed a protocol with 19 consumer associations: a joint body to resolve problems more quickly. It affects 30 million customers
According to a study on Global Fintech by PwC, banks seek agreements with Fintech players for fear of being overtaken and losing business and, in the end, those who benefit are the customers who see their…
The new transitional mechanism will start in January 2017 and will allow voluntary acceptance, via the web, of a supply with a standard contractual structure defined by the Authority - A tool to accompany the consumer towards forms typical of the free market.
After the Codacons, even CODICI rails against the increase in energy bills: a significant increase which, according to consumer associations, is linked to existing speculation on electricity - Luigi Gabriele: "Close the Authority and re-entrust the powers to the ministry "
It is the first time that there has been a compact departure rather than a scattered order - The only exception is Sicily, where the start of the discounts has been set for Friday XNUMXst July - Here are three warnings to remember.
The Electricity, Gas and Water Authority has established an increase of 4,3% for electricity and 1,9% for gas for the third quarter - consumer associations protest.
According to data from the statistical institute, consumer confidence rose to 115 points in March, exceeding analysts' expectations - Business confidence fell sharply from 103,2 to 100,1: the heaviest drop…
The data on consumer and business confidence published today by Istat reach their highest levels for 13 and 8 years respectively - Matteo Renzi: "For the first time in years there is a profound change of climate in Italy".
According to data released by Istat, consumer confidence stood at 109,0 in August, the highest for two years - The composite index of the business confidence climate decreased, from 104,3, XNUMX…
The new European regulation on interchange fees which sets precise limits on transactions risks favoring merchants and banks but penalizing consumers with an unjustified increase in the prices of services - And the regulatory deluge on the…
In March, the business confidence climate index reached 103,0 points, from 97,5 in February - Employment expectations improve - Consumer data also increased.
This was communicated by Istat: the composite index of consumer confidence increased significantly, leaping beyond 100 to 104,4 - Business confidence also rose.
The optimism of German consumers, which has reached 2001 levels, is above all fueled by the drop in the price of oil - the French figure, on the other hand, is stable (and worse than expected).
The American real estate market shows signs of recovery beyond expectations, as well as consumer confidence - instead manufacturing activity falls and Wall Street suffers.
In the credit revolution envisaged by the Renzi government decree, there is not only the abolition of per capita voting in the 10 major cooperative banks but a measure on the portability of current accounts that is very favorable to consumers: the transition from one bank to another…
The airline has undertaken with the Antitrust to make online ticket purchases and refunds more transparent for consumers - This closes the proceeding initiated by the Authority for commercial practices deemed unfair
On the first day of discounts, the outlets recorded an average increase in attendance of 15% - Federmoda and Confesercenti are optimistic, but Codacons warns: sales will suffer an average reduction of 8% over the year and spending will not go beyond…
This year a meat-based expense for eight people will reach an average of 168 euros, while for fish-based menus it will rise up to 270 euros - less heavy increases for restaurants.
The fines imposed by the Antitrust on Alitalia rise to 105 thousand euros for the age-old dispute over the "No show rule", i.e. the cancellation of the return air ticket if the outward ticket has not been used which had led angry consumers to …
The figure, announced by the Conference Board, is clearly better than the expectations of analysts, who expected a drop to 87 points: in October it rises to 94,5 points.
The estimate, based on the calculation of the possible impact of the extra VAT and the excise tax on fuel, is from the Federconsumatori National Observatory: it will materialize in the event that coverage is not found in the Stability Law.
The Consumer Movement has asked the Antitrust to open an investigation into the alleged negotiations between Telecom Italia and Metroweb, fearing that a possible acquisition could affect competition in the field of Italian telecommunications
The indicator, which reaches levels not seen since July 2007, was published by the University of Michigan which released its preliminary reading today.
The goal is to activate some telematic help desks to which members can turn to obtain dedicated consultancy and make an appointment at the local offices to resolve the most complex situations.
French consumer confidence remains stable in September on the 86 points recorded in August: the indicator is in line with expectations, but remains well below the long-term average (100 points) - The German figure shows…
According to data released by Istat, in September the climate of consumer confidence in Italy showed a very slight increase, going from 101,9 to 102 - Judgments and expectations on the country's economic situation worsen.
The economic confidence index in the Eurozone falls to 100,6 points, losing 1,5 points since July, and falls in the EU to 104,6 points (-1,2 points). This was communicated by the European Commission, noting that this August drop brought the eurozone indicator back to…
In August, the index calculated by Istat stood at 101,9 from 104,4 in the previous month. "The worsening - reads a note - affects all the different components and follows the decreases recorded in June and July".
American consumer confidence rose to 92,4 points in August from 91,9 in July - The figure published by the Conference Board is clearly better than the expectations of analysts who expected a drop of around 89 points.
Electricity bills never fail to amaze - Now the Energy Authority authorizes the payment of Enel for an awareness campaign, requested by ministers Marzano and Scajola, and carried out in 2005-2006 - The sum already set aside on bills from…
The Conference Board Consumer reports an increase on all fronts on the confidence index measured in July: 90,9 is the result, improved compared to June when it was 86,4. The current and expectations indices also increased: respectively to 88,3…
The spending review of Italian consumers: according to the report edited by Cermes, Bocconi's Marketing and Services Research Center, only 8% of Italians declare that they have not reduced their purchases in the period 2011-2013 - In the remaining 92% there is…
In May, the retail sales index fell by 0,7% - Sales of food products decreased by 1,2% and those of non-food products by 0,3% - Consumer confidence also fell, which in July compared to the previous month…
According to data released by the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Community, consumer confidence in the currency union fell to -8,4 points in July, below analysts' expectations - The data…
The super-index of the US economy grows for the fifth consecutive month, recording an increase of 0,3% in June - Analysts were expecting a growth of 0,5% - Consumer confidence falls, from 82,5 points in June to 81,3 of…
Eni raises its price lists, closely followed by Tamoil and Shell - The national averages in served mode are 1,853 euro/litre for petrol, 1,749 for diesel and 0,755 for LPG - Consumer associations protest,…
The prospective consumer sentiment index compiled by GFK based on interviews with 2 people rose to 8,9, after the June revision to 8,6 - this is the best result since December 2006.
Above all, US consumer confidence, which rose to 85,2 points in June, surpassing the May survey (82,2) and above all the estimates of economists, who had forecast a more contained growth, at 83.6 points, was surprising - Leap …
Banks still stand out on the Ftse Mib, especially the popular ones - Istat: consumer confidence in May at the highest since 2010 - Real estate is doing well after Blackstone has made an offer for a portfolio of Italian state properties - The Treasury…
According to data released by the Institute of Statistics, consumer confidence grew to 106,3 points in May, the highest since January 2010 - The growth in particular is driven by the increase in the economic component, which affects…
Important data on US GDP and the decisions of the Fomc and the Fed on monetary policy are expected today - The euro weakened slightly, to 1,381, and so did WTI oil (at 100,5 $/b) - Gold keeps under…
According to data released by Gfk, German consumer confidence remained at 8,5 points in May, the highest since January 2007 - Economic prospects are down, due to the Ukrainian crisis - Expectations are growing…
According to Istat data, Italian consumer confidence stood at 105,4 points in April, the highest since January 2010 - Both the economic and personal components of the index are on the rise - Expectations on…
The economic component increases to 107,6 from 96,9 points, while the personal one shows a limited improvement (98,8, from 98,3) - Istat also released this morning the data on retail sales, unchanged on a monthly in January, and in…
Consumer confidence jumped to 82,3 points in March from 78,3 in the previous month, well above analysts' expectations - Minus for new home sales (-3,3%) and for the index which measures the activity…
The GDP trend in the fourth quarter was revised from +3,2 to +2,4% (in line with analysts' expectations) - In February the final data on consumer confidence increased to 81,6 points, from 81,2 of the preliminary estimate…
Research firm Gfk said on Friday that its leading German consumer confidence index, based on a survey of about 2 people, rose from 8,3 to 8,5 for the month of March.