The new 8-year bond launched by Intesa Sanpaolo immediately fills up with orders: it is a senior non-preferred bond of 1,5 billion euros that has raised 4,3 billion. Here are all the details
Messina ranked first for the seventh year since the ranking was introduced nine years ago. The bank's board of directors also ranked first among European institutions
Interview with engineer Massimo Proverbio, Chief Technology Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo. "The Group's digital acceleration involves the retraining of around 8 thousand colleagues and the hiring of around 4.600 people" and investments of 5 billion euros "to better address…
Antonio Patuelli will remain President of ABI but the arrival of Marco Elio Rottigni from Intesa Sanpaolo as General Manager will open a new season for ABI, more European and more in tune with the leading Italian bank
The CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo explains the reasons that make his bank a unique model serving Italy with record results that reward both shareholders and stakeholders
Speaking on the sidelines of the international meeting in Davos, the number one of Intesa Sanpaolo, Carlo Messina, anticipated that 2024 will also be a very good year for his bank, that profits will remain high and that a contribution…
The leading Italian bank has also created a new organizational unit, "Intesa Sanpaolo per il Sociale", dedicated exclusively to this activity, which Messina will follow personally.
The leading Italian bank has decided to allocate an amount equal to 2,5 times the extraordinary levy on extra profits to the reserve but also to support social initiatives for 1,5 billion which will be illustrated today by CEO Carlo Messina in Brescia
In addition to Carlo Messina as best CEO, institutional relations, ESG aspects, CFO Del Punta and the investor relations team were rewarded. Here are all the accolades
In just one month, Intesa Sanpaolo has launched two digital initiatives - first Isybank and then Fideuram Direct - which reposition the leading Italian banking group and project it more and more into the future on the wings of technological innovation
New leap forward in digital innovation of the first Italian bank strongly desired by the CEO Carlo Messina - Tommaso Corcos CEO of Fideuram: "The future of consultancy is already here"
Intesa Sanpaolo has invested 650 million in the new platform and entered the capital of the international fintech leader with an investment of 40 million pounds
Room packed at the Bank of Italy for Visco's latest considerations, former President Mario Draghi also present - Here are the comments from Padoan, Messina, Scannapieco, Patuelli, Marcegaglia, Landini and Sbarra
The Group led by Carlo Messina has set aside 1,4 billion for Russia and Ukraine: now the exposure has dropped below 0,3% of total loans.
Carlo Messina at the top of the ranking of Reputation Science, historic online reputation agency. On the podium Claudio Descalzi and Francesco Starace
The CEO celebrated the academic recognition with a lectio magistralis entitled "A new South for tomorrow's Italy and the role of Intesa Sanpaolo for growth and cohesion"
The President of the Industrial Union of Turin, Giorgio Marsiaj, and of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi, urge the new Government to act quickly on the energy emergency to save the industry but the future is not as bleak as it seems - Intesa Sanpaolo's Messina confirms …
"I will not enter the government but I will continue to lend a hand to the country by leading Intesa Sanpaolo" says the CEO Carlo Messina: within the year 70 billion of loans disbursed by the bank
Intesa Sanpaolo is full of recognitions from Institutional Investor: here are which ones
Gros-Pietro and Messina were confirmed as the bank's chairman and managing director, respectively. Green light also for the 2021 financial statements and a dividend of 7,89 cents per share
The biggest novelty of Intesa San Paolo's new Business Plan is the creation of Isybank, a super-digital bank designed for those who do not frequent branches and which will soon contaminate the entire group, revolutionizing the whole way of banking
The CEO of the first Italian bank, Carlo Messina, presented the new business plan to the market which already this year will guarantee 6,6 billion coupons to shareholders
On the occasion of the "Bank of the Year Awards 2021", the banking group led by Carlo Messina receives for the second time the prestigious award from the British magazine The Banker of the Financial Times Group
According to the CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo, "we must do everything to avoid finding ourselves in the condition of having a lockdown", otherwise "GDP will drop and poverty will accelerate again"
Intesa Sanpaolo's shareholders' meeting has given the green light to the October dividend - 1,9 billion arriving for shareholders - The CEO Messina: "The ability to remunerate goes hand in hand with the bank's capital strength" - Dividend yield of 5,4, XNUMX%
The CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo, Carlo Messina, talks about the intuition that led the first Italian bank to grow by increasingly focusing on asset management, financial and asset consulting and the insurance business
Based on the agreement with the banking group led by Carlo Messina, companies in the Gucci supply chain will be able to benefit from easy access to credit and start their own path of industrial evolution from a sustainable perspective in line with the objectives…
The Economy Minister spoke at a B20 meeting on sustainable growth. Messina (Intesa Sanpaolo): "Identifying financing solutions to involve private savings in impact investments"
The banking group led by Carlo Messina launches Exclusive: the new credit card for "premium" customers. Many privileges, freedom of spending and exclusive services in constant evolution to enhance and personalize the customer experience
CEO Carlo Messina promises an unprecedented effort to support the PNRR: "More than 400 billion ready". Gros-Pietro: "We are a point of reference for the country"
Presented the 13th Report on industrial districts in 2020, whose companies show greater resilience than the others. The CEO: "The recovery must go through the districts. We are the country's financial infrastructure, only with growth will the debt be sustainable"
A few days after the completion of the integration of Ubi into Intesa Sanpaolo, the managing director and CEO of the Institute gave an interview to the Group's web TV and indicated the ambitious goal of ever greater European leadership for his bank - Here...
Intesa Sanpaolo launches the new crowdfunding project for the environmental redevelopment of the territory - With the aim of promoting over 2021 initiatives throughout Italy in 30
The leading Italian bank increases the generational turnover plan accelerated by the acquisition of Ubi and agreed in September with the unions by another thousand units and raises the ceiling for voluntary exits from 5 to 7.200 units
In the first few days of next month, Intesa Sanpaolo will withdraw the Ubi Banca share from the Stock Exchange - All the procedures associated with the operation have been launched
Three CEOs and three Italian companies in the Institutional Investors ranking which selects the best managers and the best companies for each sector - Banca Generali wins in financial services, Intesa for banks, Poste for postal services
The bank confirms the minimum profit at 3 billion in 2020 and will ask the ECB to also pay the 2021 dividend in 2020 - The CEO Carlo Messina: "We have achieved the best half-year profit since 2008. With Ubi we will form the second…
With the success of Intesa Sanpaolo's takeover bid on Ubi Banca, the curtain falls on the local bank of Brescia and Bergamo, but Bazoli's criticism of Massiah on what happened in 2015 is not convincing, even if the contradictions…
According to provisional data released yesterday evening by Intesa Sanpaolo, 91% of the shareholders have taken part in the takeover bid on Ubi Banca - The residual takeover bid will be launched in September - CEO Carlo Messina: "We will be leaders in the European banking scenario"
Ubi Banca's new move against Intesa Sanpaolo's Ops which asks a court to consider it forfeited as a result of the pandemic - Interim award on the dispute between Cairo and Blackstone for the sale of the Corriere della Sera headquarters
Very positive data for the first quarter of 2020, despite the provisions for the coronavirus emergency: capital solidity grows, credit quality improves - Stock up on the Stock Exchange - Messina: "A 50%+1 yes is enough for a merger with Ubi" .
Full speed ahead on Ubi Banca. Intesa Sanpaolo's extraordinary shareholders' meeting has given the go-ahead to launch a capital increase of 1,011 billion to service the offer on Ubi Banca. From the words, the bank led by Carlo Messina, has moved on to…
Intesa Sanpaolo's remote shareholders' meeting will be held on Monday 27 April, which will have to vote on the public offer for Ubi (confirmed by Carlo Messina), on the postponement of dividends and on the accounts - Rumors of a countermove by Crédit Agricole on Ubi
The reference shareholders of the Ubi Banca Pact Car reject Intesa's offer considering it "hostile" and "unacceptable" also for its value - Messina excludes raises, but the big international funds and the…
In a long press conference, the CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo clarified all the points of the blitz on Ubi Banca from which the very first Italian banking group and the fourth in Europe will be born - "In the end we will manage one thousand billion euros…
According to the CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo, there is still scope for negotiating with ArcelorMittal on Ilva but, if not, a nationalization Plan B must be ready
In Turin, the Intesa Sanpaolo shareholders' meeting approves a balance sheet with a record profit of over 4 billion and 3,4 billion in dividends - The challenges of personnel and NPLs, already reduced by 28 billion since 2015…
The results of the first nine months are the best of the last 10 years - since January, net profit breaks through the 3 billion euro mark - Intesa confirms the target for profits exceeding 3,8 billion by the end of the year -…
Harvard Business Review, the prestigious magazine of the US Harvard University, has drawn up the ranking of the best CEOs in the world: the Italian manager was found to be the second best banker in Europe.
Net profit reaches 2,2 billion in the first six months, 927 million in the second quarter - Operating costs drop, the stock of non-performing loans down by 24% - The large dividend envisaged in the plan confirmed with a payout of 85% …
The CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo expressed his appreciation for the words of the Minister of Economy regarding the absolute priority in debt reduction, but without sparing a sting: "He should have spoken a month ago, he would have prevented us from rising the spread and…
Profits at 1,25 billion, against the 879 million expected on average by analysts - NPLs have decreased by about 1,5 billion gross (-14 billion in 30 months) - Messina: "The 2018 net profit will be higher to 3,8 billion…
The European Central Bank has given the green light to the project for the merger by incorporation of Cassa di Risparmio del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Banco di Napoli and Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto into Intesa Sanpaolo.
This was announced by CEO Carlo Messina during the meeting called to approve the 2017 financial statements and the conversion of savings shares into ordinary shares - The CEO: "We are the bank that has guaranteed the highest return to its shareholders in the last four…
The banking group led by Carlo Messina closes the deal with the Swedish Intrum to which it sells the credit recovery platform as well as 10,8 billion nominal non-performing loans and 600 employees - Intesa estimates a capital gain of…
Presenting the X Annual Report of Intesa Sanpaolo on industrial districts, which examined 72 companies, the bank's CEO, Carlo Messina, argued that "our companies boast better results than the French and German ones, but watch out for…
The bank will support the historic British university in research activities in the field of management studies. The CEO Carlo Messina is satisfied: "we are proud to be a partner of such an important and recognized academic institution throughout the world"
The CEO Carlo Messina presented the new business plan with which he aims to make Intesa Sanpaolo the first bank in Europe: "We will further reduce non-performing loans, there will be fewer branches and more digital" - The net result will affect…
The sale of a stock of NPLs, cost cutting and an increase in revenues to keep dividends high will be at the heart of Intesa Sanpaolo's new plan which will increasingly project the group led by Carlo Messina onto the promising…
Rosario Strano new chief operating officer and in other front-line positions, including communication - The changes that will take place, with new appointments from January XNUMXst, in the top management line take place with a view to a progressive generational renewal and…
In the 9 months the net result amounted to 5,888 billion, taking into account the public cash contribution for the Veneto regions, in the third quarter the profit settled at 650 million, beating the consensus - The group confirms the distribution of dividends of…
Including the public contribution for the acquisition of the Veneto banks in the accounts, the half-year net profit jumps to 5,2 billion euro - but the effect is accounting - In the 2nd quarter, the profit stands at 837 million, clearly above Analyst Consensus…
The time needed to reach the final vote is lengthening, which could be postponed to tomorrow afternoon, July 13 or Friday - Subsequently, the decree, expiring on August 24, will be examined by the Senate. - Messina: "The only…
The CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo recalls that his bank's "was the only complete offer" to save the Veneto banks, without which 10 billion of public money would have gone up in smoke - "Only voluntary exits and no layoffs for…
After the willingness expressed by the bank led by Messina to take over the two Veneto banks, the problems related to the completion of the operation (from NPLs to redundancies) remain to be resolved, starting with the decree which must give legal form to state intervention for…
The board of directors unanimously approved the willingness to partially acquire Pop.Vicenza and Veneto Banca on condition that the operation is totally neutral with respect to the Common Equity Tier 1 ratio and the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's dividend policy - Non-performing loans…
The shareholders' meeting approves the 2016 financial statements and the distribution of 3 billion in dividends - Frecciata di Messina to Unicredit: "Intesa Sanpaolo is a bank that returns money to its shareholders, and does not ask for it" - Distributed 10…
Lufthansa responds to the rumors circulating regarding a possible interest by Lufthansa in the former national airline, so they are denied in no uncertain terms: "We have a clear intention not to buy Alitalia" - Fs also denies - Messia, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo:…
Intesa Sanpaolo is once again confirmed as the best European banking institution for investor relations in the ranking drawn up by "Institutional Investor", a publication that every year collects the results of an extensive survey conducted among around 2.600 interviewees including financial analysts and…
The bank led by Carlo Messina has completed its analysis of Generali and has not identified opportunities for industrial combinations that would allow it to continue to create and distribute value for shareholders and maintain the leadership of…
"Those who defend Generali's Italian spirit in French make you laugh" the attack by the CEO of Intesa, Carlo Messina, on the number one of Unicredit, Jean Pierre Mustier is ironic but sharp - Then Messina adds that if Intesa decides to grow via exogenous will…
According to the CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo, "the size of the capital is such that it is unthinkable that the current shareholders could reach 51% of the capital"
"If the capital increase is successful, fine - he added - otherwise the Atlante fund will also enter Veneto Banca", this is what was declared by the CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Carlo Messina who puts the dots on the I clarifying that it will not be the…
The Cariplo Foundation and the Compagnia Sanpaolo have confirmed their support for the economist Gian Maria Gros-Pietro for the presidency of Intesa Sanpaolo - In the lists of 18 members for the new board of directors which will emerge from the April shareholders' meeting, the Foundations have indicated…