Intesa Sanpaolo: Ops Ubi at the meeting test

Intesa Sanpaolo's remote shareholders' meeting will be held on Monday 27 April, which will have to vote on the public offer for Ubi (confirmed by Carlo Messina), on the postponement of dividends and on the accounts - Rumors of a countermove by Crédit Agricole on Ubi
Messina: "Fair offer for Ubi: Intesa will not relaunch"

In a long press conference, the CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo clarified all the points of the blitz on Ubi Banca from which the very first Italian banking group and the fourth in Europe will be born - "In the end we will manage one thousand billion euros…

This was announced by CEO Carlo Messina during the meeting called to approve the 2017 financial statements and the conversion of savings shares into ordinary shares - The CEO: "We are the bank that has guaranteed the highest return to its shareholders in the last four…
Industrial districts, "Italy grows at German rates"

Presenting the X Annual Report of Intesa Sanpaolo on industrial districts, which examined 72 companies, the bank's CEO, Carlo Messina, argued that "our companies boast better results than the French and German ones, but watch out for…
Lufthansa: "No interest in Alitalia"

Lufthansa responds to the rumors circulating regarding a possible interest by Lufthansa in the former national airline, so they are denied in no uncertain terms: "We have a clear intention not to buy Alitalia" - Fs also denies - Messia, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo:…

The bank led by Carlo Messina has completed its analysis of Generali and has not identified opportunities for industrial combinations that would allow it to continue to create and distribute value for shareholders and maintain the leadership of…
Intesa Sanpaolo, the Foundations confirm Gros-Pietro

The Cariplo Foundation and the Compagnia Sanpaolo have confirmed their support for the economist Gian Maria Gros-Pietro for the presidency of Intesa Sanpaolo - In the lists of 18 members for the new board of directors which will emerge from the April shareholders' meeting, the Foundations have indicated…