Quota 41 is a case of real "smuggling" of social security reforms and making this requirement the cornerstone of pension guidance is wrong for three reasons. The new scenario from 2025 and the lines of a reformed system
An INPS circular explains the terms of the extension of the social APE also for 2024 and a message clarifies that there are no maximum age limits for access to unemployment benefits
In focusing on the budget strategies of member countries, the Parliamentary Budget Office underlines that Italian debt remains the second highest in Europe after Greece
Focus of the board of directors on the Budget law and Pnrr
The 2024 Budget Law introduced significant innovations on pensions, the adjustment of life expectancy, revaluations and much more. Let's look at them one by one
After the final green light from the Senate, that from the House also arrived. Here are the main innovations of the 2024 Maneuver
An amendment to the Budget could trigger a third installment of the IMU, requiring those who have already paid the second to pay an adjustment by 29 February 2024
Interview with Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, former deputy director of the IMF and now senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington - Faced with the difficulties of the Italian economy "the populist attitude towards Europe and investors would be the worst signal"
After the green light for Nadef, the 2024 budget is starting to take shape, a 30 billion measure of which 14 are in deficit - Here are the main upcoming measures
Yes from the Government to the purchase of the Treasury with KKR of the Tim network and new privatizations planned but for the budget maneuver there is little money to keep the electoral promises: this is what emerged from the first meeting of the Council…
There are two possible paths for the next budget law: austerity or deficit maneuvering. What will the Government choose? As the European elections approach, it is not difficult to imagine that Meloni will choose the easier path
There are two possible paths for the next budget law: austerity or deficit maneuvering. What will the Government choose? As the European elections approach, it is not difficult to imagine that Meloni will choose the easier path
From 21 February, applications can be submitted to access quota 103, the new flexible early pension provided for by the 2023 Budget Law. Here is everything you need to know and the instructions from the ines to submit the application
INPS has published a circular in which it communicates the conclusion of the pension revaluation activities. Here's everything you need to know
The House voted to trust the Maneuver, during the night the definitive ok to the provision. Tour de force to avoid the provisional exercise
The troubled process of the Budget law continues - The opinion of the Accounting Office arrived, text in commission - Government towards confidence, final vote on 24 December
The Government presented the definitive amendments to the 2023 Maneuver - From POS to mortgages, from RDC to pensions, here is the latest news on the Maneuver
The extension of the 110% superbonus will be included in the Budget law and not in the Aid Quater decree. But there is another deadline to meet. Here are all the news
The Maneuver is in line with the recommendations of Brussels which, however, criticizes measures on cash, POS, pensions and tax truce - Giorgetti: "Satisfied, national owls denied"
Speaking on the Budget Law before the Budget Commissions of the Chamber and the Senate, the President of the Parliamentary Budget Office (UPB), Lilia Cavallari, appreciated the Government's commitment to reduce the debt/GDP ratio but made many observations on the various wait…
Bankitalia rejects the measures on cash and on the Pos and on the flat tax: "it increases the discrepancies between employees and the self-employed". Istat on basic income: "The cut will affect 1 out of 5"
With the tax truce contained in the 2023 Budget Law, important news arrives on tax records. Different rules based on amounts and deadlines, here's everything you need to know
The Meloni government's measures on the increase in the cash ceiling and the non-obligation for traders to accept Pos payments within 60 euros worry the EU Commission. There is also a tender node for local authorities. At risk…
Changing the inflation revaluation mechanism - Higher increases for the lowest pensions in 2023: here's how much they will be band by band
INTERVIEW WITH STEFANO MICOSSI, economist and former General Manager of Assonime - "The Meloni government's budget law is in continuity with Draghi even if there are three critical aspects: pensions, Flax tax and health care" - The objections are incomprehensible…
With the new budget law from 2023, the rules for citizenship income will change. A transitional period is foreseen for those who can be employed, news for seasonal workers. Here's everything you need to know
The Prime Minister speaks of a "courageous maneuver and result of political choices". Giorgetti: "Courage to make unpopular choices". But Letta takes to the streets on 17 November
The Meloni Budget Law is attentive to financial balances but where is the growth? No guarantee on Pnrr reforms and implementation. Gift to Salvini on pensions
Budget law in the pipeline: the government wants to enact it on Monday. Here are the main measures that will come in, including the cash ceiling of 5.000 euros removed from the Aiuti quater decree
The increase in the threshold for the use of cash to 5 euros, which had been included in the Aiuti Quater decree, disappeared before publication in the Official Gazette. "But it is not a step backwards", underlines the Government
The Government intends to change the citizen's income, narrowing the audience of beneficiaries only to those who cannot work. The Ministry of Labor announces: "Contracts of Navigators cannot be extended", here's what changes
The new decree against high bills and the budget law will be Meloni's first commitments as tomorrow she will meet Macron for the first time - What will happen to pensions, taxation and justice - Sigh of relief from the laity...
How will you retire in 2023? The answer will come in the next budget law, but what is certain is that, without an intervention from the new government, the Fornero law will return on 1 January 2023. A hypothesis that does not like…
During his speech on the Nadef, the premier announced the arrival of a provision on safety in the workplace and the appointment with the first control room on the Pnrr - On October 12, the G20 on Afghanistan - Land registry: "No taxes on first homes "…
An allowance for VAT numbers for the lowest incomes is coming - Extended Ecobonus - New incentives on electric cars - More taxes on electronic cigarettes - The text arrives in the Chamber on Tuesday, to then pass armored…
The suspension of eviction procedures for residential properties ends in theory on December 31st, but an amendment to Ristori 4 presented by the 5 Stars and another presented by the Democratic Party to the Budget Law could extend it up to…
The budget law arrives in Parliament, but the general structure is already clear and only the Chamber will have time to amend the text - To date, the maneuver is worth 38 billion: let's see, point by point, the main contents
For the years 2020-3, polygraphic workers who have 35 years of contributions can access early retirement according to the provisions of the 2020 budget law
The budget law arriving in October will have to have a zero balance: to introduce a new Irpef rate it will therefore be necessary to reduce the Babel of deductions and deductions - New spending cuts also needed
From family car liability insurance to bonuses on company cars, from anti-abandonment seats to vehicles for the disabled: here are the new rules introduced with the budget law and the tax decree
With the new budget law, two impediments have been reintroduced which cut around 340 VAT numbers out of the flat-rate regime - A mini-premium is coming for those who choose electronic invoices
VAT, tax wedge, Green New Deal, plastic and sugar tax, bonus facades and much more: this is what the 2020 budget law contains, approved by the Senate and destined to pass unchanged in the Chamber
The maxi-amendment that contains the entire budget law finally comes out of the commissions, but only to be ratified by the two assemblies, which will not be able to modify the text - Rumors about a 700 million hole denied
In any case, the new executive will have to find at least 23 billion just to avoid the increase in VAT: farewell to the Salvinian flat tax will help to get back into the accounts, but other problems remain.
The lack of decrees implementing the new rules on Individual Savings Plans (PIR) has blocked these new financial investment instruments dear above all to families and risks procrastinating the paralysis for months
The Budget Law has eliminated the concessions for technical consultancy aimed at the mere seismic classification of buildings, which then do not necessarily lead to safety measures - Giorgio Lupoi (OICE): "A lost opportunity".
The new Budget Law blocks the excellence bonus for online universities. The denied incentive has already given rise to several online petitions, from students, to ask for further reflection on the merits
To save money, the government is trying to discourage the use of the 100 quota: those who take advantage of the new channel for early retirement will not be able to collect other payments until they turn 67 - News for civil servants on…
The European Commission corrects Italy's accounts by estimating that in 2019 the deficit will rise to 2,9% of GDP (and not just 2,4%), that public debt will remain at 131% and that Italian economic growth will lower…
The government's risky maneuver and even more so the anti-Europe statements of Salvini and Di Maio cause a rain of sales on the Stock Exchange - Bank shares plummet and the spread is close to 280
The government is evaluating a reduction in excise duties to be included in the tax decree linked to the Budget law: it will reduce the pump price by three cents per liter - Among the latest solutions being studied in view of the presentation of the Def…
The government plans to allow people to leave work before the age of 67, but foresees penalties to reduce the costs of the reform - There is talk of a temporary cut of 1-1,5% or a permanent reduction of 0,5- 1% - Alternatively,…
From the blog Advise Only - Waiting to discover the content of the new manoeuvre, let's take a detailed look at what the Budget Law is, what it is for and what are the procedures and deadlines that characterize it.
At the end of a summit at Palazzo Chigi, the Government reassured the markets: "We will respect the budget constraints" - And in the transition from promises to reality, the flagship measures of the Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle change their skin: on basic income…
The Italy risk pushes Italian investors to leave the Italian market: in just 2 months they have sold 72 billion euros in government bonds but also shares and bonds of Italian companies - It's the uncertainty about economic policy…
The proposal, delivered by the Lega to the Treasury, provides for the regularization of cash held abroad and assets kept in safety deposit boxes against the payment of a flat-rate tax equal to 15-20% - Non soldo: the money emerged or repatriated…
Di Maio and Salvini reject Tria's proposals to finance the next budget law, but do not withdraw on basic income and flat tax - Meanwhile, the update note to the Def is expected in September: we go ...
UBS REPORT - The rise in yields on BTPs and the spread weigh on bank capital and the real economy, but the crucial appointment will be that of the autumn budget maneuver - What to do on the Stock Exchange
Government meeting at Palazzo Chigi in view of the new public finance maneuver - Tria reassures the markets: "Agreement on the launch of flat tax and basic income within a framework of compatibility". But finding the funds will be a real…
The Court declares the extension decided with the 2017 Budget Law unconstitutional. It does not rule out the possibility of imposing long-term savings on the Regions, but reiterates that the individual measures to contain public spending must present the…
The new government will have to address public finance issues immediately and present the new Economic and Financial Document. The correction on 2018 and the objectives for 2019: there you will see the concrete choices and how they will be set…
The budget, Donald Trump tweeted, includes a $300 billion increase in military spending and national programs. Thanks to 240 votes in favor and despite the opposition of a large part of the Democrats, the second ends…
The Budget Law has banned the practice of cash payment for employment contracts, cococo and cooperatives - Here are the special cases and other limits on the use of cash.
Here's what you need to know about the new facilitation introduced by the 2018 Budget law: what it is, who is entitled to it, what rules must be respected and how it works for condominiums.
A new bonus system has been active since 50 January to encourage the hiring of young people: tax relief for businesses ranges from 100 to XNUMX% and the regions that benefit the most are those of the South.
The measure has been extended by one year, but with an important difference compared to the version in force until 2017: the check will last only 12 months, no longer 36 - Here are the rules on the amount, requirements and methods of access.
Several innovations have been introduced by the latest budget law and the previous tax decree: some rules have been created from scratch and confirmation has arrived for others, but in some cases (the most insidious) the old rules have been modified.
The budget law arrives in the Chamber - Several last-minute news: from stabilizations in schools to the stop for cash salaries, up to the anti-plastic rules
The Chamber approved an amendment to the 2018 Budget law which modifies the new rules on the remuneration of professionals.
Taxation, social security, work, education: point by point the content of the budget law approved in the first reading by the Senate.
The measure is stabilized but reduced, according to the amendment presented to the Budget Bill: it is financed with 165 million in 2018 and 295 million for 2019 which rise to 228,5 in 2020.
In the Senate, the Government crisis is almost upon us due to the shower of amendments to the maneuver with an increase in spending - The Alfanians impose the renewal of the baby bonus, Pisapia the partial abolition of the health superticket.
Moscovici and Dombrovskis write to Padoan for clarifications - Budget project at risk on both deficit and debt, but Brussels chooses to postpone the final report card also in order not to condition the upcoming electoral campaign.
The news from the last technical table between the Government and the unions, on Monday, confirms that 15 categories of workers will be exempt from the increase in the retirement age, provided however that they meet two requirements. New political meeting at Palazzo Chigi on Saturday
The deduction is confirmed for the seventh consecutive year, but with some changes compared to the past - The main changes concern the size of the bonus, portability, support for low-income families and the new technical requirements to…
The budget bill, stamped by the State Accounting Office and which will now begin its parliamentary process in Palazzo Madama, presents some important innovations: the energy bonus is extended by one year but reduced, but the increase is neutralized…
This is foreseen in the technical report to the latest draft of the Maneuver which indicates an average contribution exemption of 2.430 euros in 2018, calculated considering that around 69% of the recruitments in 2016 are below the maximum limit of 3.250 euros.
Contribution relief for permanent employment contracts for young people up to 35 years of age, tax credit for training, South bonus and 5G auctions are - together with the cancellation of VAT and excise duty increases - among the…
The decree accompanies the Budget Law which will be presented on Monday 16 October. Among the measures envisaged by the tax decree - approved "subject to agreements" - the reopening of the terms for the scrapping of tax bills, an "anti-climbing" rule and a…
The 2018 maneuver, like last year, will be accompanied by a tax decree which will contain part of the coverage and which will most likely be approved by the Council of Ministers to be held in the morning.
The Government is thinking about substantial salary increases for the 7 principals in the next budget law - Today school principals are among the least paid in the management of the Public Administration - Shots also for teachers ...
With a lightning-fast Council of Ministers (which lasted a total of 33 minutes), the Government raised GDP estimates to 1,5% not only for 2017 but also for 2018 and 2019 and - with Prime Minister Gentiloni - assured …
Among the hypotheses under study is a new version of the voluntary disclosure: in practice we are thinking of a lump sum on cash that is brought to the fore with the constraint of investing a portion in government bonds
One of the hypotheses on the table of the 2018 maneuver focuses on the reopening of the terms of the facilitated definition for the benefit of the 400 thousand taxpayers who were excluded from the first edition due to formal errors or non-payment of installments.
With the new budget law, the government plans to introduce a contribution discount for working mothers and a series of tax incentives to access the Rita using the supplementary pension or the severance pay
Senator Puppato aims to include the rule in the next budget law to trigger it as early as 2018
The government plans to guarantee the halving of contributions (from 24 to 12 percent) to companies that hire young people on permanent contracts - Ceiling for the relief at 4 thousand euros - The relief will cover the first three years from hiring but…
The idea being studied by Palazzo Chigi plans to raise the no-tax area from 8 to 10 euros of annual income: the benefit for workers and pensioners would fluctuate between 440 and 820 euros
The next budget law could include a new three-year relief for permanent hiring or stabilization of under-30 or under-35 workers - Meanwhile, the ECB is urging the entire Eurozone to cut the tax wedge.
It was supposed to leave on January 800, but the telematic platform for sending the request is not yet ready - Costa, Minister of the Family, reassures: those who have acquired the right from the beginning of the year will receive the XNUMX euros
The latest budget law has extended the Irpef deduction on purchases of furniture and large household appliances to this year - Here's how it works and how much you save.
The audience of women admitted to the early retirement option is expanding: here are the rules on personal data requirements, years of contributions and mobile window
With the Budget law, a series of tax innovations came into force that encourage investments and the creation of innovative startups: with the investment bonus enhanced, sponsoring companies can absorb losses
Ape, Rita, early workers and strenuous jobs, hiring incentives and tax bonuses: these are the measures contained in the new budget law definitively approved today by the Senate.
The Budget Commission will ask for the text to pass as quickly as possible to the Senate, ruling out the possibility of a reopening of the provision - But Lega and Forza Italia attack
The Government's budget maneuver envisages gradually increasing the amount on which to calculate the 19% deduction, which from 400 euros in 2015 will reach 800 euros in 2018 - From this year the deductible expenditure will be raised…
The final assessment is postponed to early 2017 - Moscovici acknowledges that a large part of the deviation is linked to the earthquake and migratory flows: "We will take it into account" - Renzi: "Europe should promote growth, not austerity" - Camera : ok to trust…
The most eagerly awaited measure is the so-called mothers bonus (not to be confused with the baby bonus) - The other big news is the nursery voucher - The leave for fathers and the babysitter vouchers has been extended - The fund has reappeared…
It is one of the most significant tax innovations among those contained in the draft of the Budget law - VAT will no longer be paid on transactions "between subjects participating in the same group" - Here's how it works
"If the government finances the Redundancy Fund it does not help the banks but all the bank workers", comments the leader of the Fabi, Lando Maria Sileoni - The resources allocated under the Maneuver will be scaled up over the years and will be used to…