From Monday 25 May the reopening for gyms and swimming pools throughout Italy (with the exception of Lombardy and Basilicata) with several limits - Here are the anti-coronavirus measures to be respected
Several companies are equipping themselves with protocols designed to be effective without damaging productivity - An example is Worksafe, developed by the company International Sos
The starred Tuscan chef reflects on the reopening of the premises: "More euphoria or more fear? Initially the first, then we'll see" - "The world has changed and even the restaurant industry must adapt" - "Less seats? So let's pamper customers more" .
The government has promised funds of 1,4 billion for the next two years, a figure never seen before - Will it be an occasional measure or a first step towards a structural change in education?
Wall Street is off to a good start and all European squares celebrate the end of the lockdown on the rise - FCA soars over 8% and avoids the controversy - Even oil raises its head
To respond to Phase 2, the number of Frecce, Regional and Intercity trains available to travelers is increasing - A safety kit will be distributed on board high-speed trains
The activity of retail shops, bars and restaurants resumes, but also of hairdressers, barbers and more - The next reopening on May 25, then on June 3 and 25 - But for some activities there is still no…
The relaunch decree confirms the bonus for VAT numbers, professionals and the self-employed, but provides for differences on the amounts: here's everything you need to know
Beaches and bathing establishments are considered "high-risk places" - To avoid a new wave of infections, Inail and Iss have established rules for managers, customers and bathers - Here's everything you need to know
In view of the reopening of restaurants, expected for May 18, Inail and Iss have written a protocol which speaks of "4 square meters" for each diner - Many other obligations are also foreseen for restaurateurs, who protest
The Coronavirus will have devastating effects on the budgets of Municipalities and public transport companies and will force the large metropolitan systems to rethink themselves - In the Capital, the municipalities will finally have to become real Municipalities and have a…
A maxi intervention is coming to support construction with ecobonus, sismabonus and 110% facade bonus, transfer of credit to banks or immediate discount on invoices - Here are all the news provided for by the May decree
Faced with pressure from the Regions, the Government is oriented towards bringing forward the reopening of shops, restaurants and second homes to next week - A new Dpcm is coming
Using debt to keep a sick economy alive can become a gamble for the future and does not restore competitiveness to industry just as statist shortcuts are not acceptable - Here is what is needed to get back on the path of development
In the May decree, the Government will include a bonus valid for buying electric and non-electric bikes and scooters, to use car sharing services - Here are all the news on the upcoming measure
The Ministry of the Interior has made available the new self-certification model which implements the easing of the restrictions in force since 4 May
As per tradition, May gets off to a bad start on the stock market and now Trump threatens a new trade war against China - Italy experiences Phase 2 - Today the accounts of Ferrari and Salini
The Government has published the faqs on the April 26 decree, while the Interior Ministry has issued a special circular: who are the relatives? When and how can you move from one Region to another? The rules for sports and walks?…
From 4 May 2,7 million citizens will return to work - In the decree of 26 April the complete list of shops, businesses and services that have already opened and will reopen on Monday - Let's summarize
Compulsory reservations and nominative tickets on Frecce and Intercity - More regional trains but fewer seats that can be occupied to guarantee social distancing from 4 May onwards
Renzi's harsh attack on the premier in the Senate: "I have not denied Salvini full powers to give them to another: if she follows populism, Italia Viva will not be with her" - Conte defends himself against the accusations: "Risk of…
In the face of the possible emergence of new outbreaks, the speed of response to the pandemic is essential, possible only by making the role of local doctors central, who will be able to diagnose and isolate the presence of new infected in a timely manner.
The French government postpones the reopening of schools and locks down large strategic groups, limiting foreign capital - The restart in Spain will be very long: it will only end at the end of June - Infections are rising in Germany - Great Britain…
If a real lockdown has never started in Germany, in France Macron has decided (against the opinion of scientists) to restart schools on May 11 - Reopenings have already begun in Spain too
The Government silences the controversy and gives an expanded definition of the term joint: from 4 May engaged couples will be able to meet after almost two months of lockdown
Allow relative visits and outdoor sports, but be careful of distances and masks - Here's everything you need to know about the new travel rules in force since May 4
For the most common activities, the reopening date is not May 4 (start day of Phase 2), but May 18 or June XNUMX - Not only that: when it starts again, the anti-contagion measures to be taken will be different
Reopening in three stages: from 4 May green light to industries, construction sites and private visits (with masks), from 18 May shops reopen and from XNUMX June bars, restaurants and hairdressers
Not a single participant in the commission of experts appointed by Palazzo Chigi for Phase 2 is under the age of 35. Yet it could have been an opportunity to push young people to mobilize to design the future - But the gerontocratic culture…
INTERVIEW WITH ANTONIO DECARO, mayor of Bari and president of Anci - In the country's emergency, mayors are ready to become commissioners - Two priorities for Phase 2: new solutions for public transport and extension of the babysitter bonus -…
Paris accelerates its recovery: the lockdown expires on May 10, immediately after the green light for shops, factories, some schools and public transport. For bars and restaurants we talk about it in mid-June.
A report by Ernst&Young compares the data on the contagion with the score of Italian smart cities: what emerges is a 4-speed Italy - Is the capital more ready? Cagliari, while Rome is among the slowest - The…
The new App chosen by the Government to track the movements of Italians in Phase 2 was designed by Bending Spoons, an Italian excellence. Who are its members and what you need to know to reconcile privacy and health
Reopenings will begin from 4 May but only for some activities and in areas at lower risk - Only after bars and restaurants - Lastly, sporting events, cinemas, theaters and gyms - The news for jogging, parks and…
Von der Leyen recommends that countries communicate with each other and with Brussels - As for the new budget, "we need a new Marshall Plan" - Dombrovskis is also open to Eurobonds: 1500 billion are needed
In Paris, French President Macron has extended the lockdown but schools will gradually reopen from 11 May - In Spain, non-essential activities will also restart from today - Austria ahead: green light for parks and shops - They are easing the…
Everyone at home until the first Sunday of May but openings immediately for stationery shops and bookstores (but not in Lombardy), laundries, professional studios and some companies in safety - Vittorio Colao head of the task force for Phase 2…
Prime Minister Conte, oriented towards easing the restrictive measures after Easter, asked the Technical-Scientific Committee to draw up a precise program on the activities that can start again
START AGAIN BUT HOW? Here is what is expected - even if it is not yet known since when - for businesses, transport, bars, restaurants, shops, cinemas, stadiums in Phase 2 of the fight against Coronavirus
The number one of the Civil Protection warns: "We will have to stay at home for many weeks". - Then it corrects itself, but the substance remains - Possible start of the restart in mid-May but Assolombarda pushes: "Italy must reopen"