
Tablet increasingly market leader, only companies want PCs

The boom of iPads and Android devices marks the decline of the personal computer era – Only businesses continue to buy notebooks and desktop computers, indispensable for the creation of professional content – ​​The turning point will take place by the end of 2013: more tablets than laptops sold

Tablet increasingly market leader, only companies want PCs

Talking about the death of the PC could be an exaggeration. But in fact the personal computer industry seems to be at least in a vegetative state.

"The PC as we know it - explains to the New York Times Hector Ruiz, former CEO of the chip company Advanced Micro - is in decline and will be delegated to a device useful only to businesses."

The atmosphere in the industry is increasingly gloomy. During the second quarter of this year, global computer sales fell 11 percent for the fifth consecutive year, the worst performance in XNUMX years.

And as companies continue to buy personal computers, demand among consumers has plummeted, mainly due to iPads and ebook readers.

The mobile device business is booming: according to calculations by Gartner, a technology research firm, 2013 million tablets will be sold by the end of 200, surpassing notebooks for the first time, the main slice of the PC pie.

Personal computers remain great machines for producing professional content, be it documents or presentations. That's why companies keep buying them. The average user, however, only wants to enjoy content, usually on the Internet, and for this the best tool is a tablet. And even if you want to produce something – from home video to bog, through do-it-yourself presentations – a 7-inch screen is enough.

Years ago Steve Jobs, the late Apple boss, argued that PCs would become the equivalent of trucks, powerful packhorses used by many people in particular cases, but outclassed in number by tablets, the small and comfortable cars of the IT sector . And while a small car is enough for consumers, businesses will always need trucks to keep going.
