"Before returning to vote, Italy must be secured by rejecting Salvini's gamble and creating a guarantee government with a high technical profile that avoids further damage to the country". This is the point of view of the new president of +Europa, Bruno Tabacci, Opposite the political crisis of August XNUMXth which seriously puts Italy at risk, as also seen from the reaction of the financial markets on Friday. First of all - argues Tabacci in this interview with FIRSTonline - the interest of the country comes and the president of +Europe also clearly reminds the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, to whom he advises to put the divisions of the party into the background and to seek unity in every way to beat Salvini's reckless maneuvers and save Italy before going to the elections.
Honorable Tabacci, after the interventions of Beppe Grillo ("No vote, let's stop the barbarians") and Matteo Renzi ("The economic emergency is absolute, Yes to the institutional government") the NO party in the elections seems to be expanding by the hour immediately: how do you think it will end? Is resorting to the polls immediately after the summer still the most probable scenario or is there space and is it desirable that other avenues be tried before going to the early political elections?
«I think that first of all it is necessary to neutralize the risky move by Matteo Salvini, who, with the pretension of strengthening his consensus by running confusedly for the elections, risks seriously damaging the country by bringing it into jeopardy at a very delicate moment. It is paradoxical that Salvini wants to dictate the national political agenda having a presence in Parliament of less than 20%. The rise of the spread e the Black Friday of the Stock Exchange who senses the risk of Italexit in the positions supported by Salvini's League they should open everyone's eyes. Challenging the markets with a government crisis in August, a month particularly exposed to speculation due to the rarefaction of trading, is an amateurish move against which the responsible forces of this country must effectively oppose putting the defense of the national interest first place on their agenda.
How should the interests of the country be defended?
By securing the public accounts and preventing citizens from paying for the reckless maneuvers of those who, like Salvini, after having governed in bankruptcy with the Five Stars, now think of escaping from their responsibilities. But also by reassuring the markets with the guarantee that there is not even the slightest intention of questioning Italy's permanence in the euro. And finally, by honoring the deadlines that Parliament presents, such as cutting the number of MPs, which is now at a very advanced stage and which will require the consequent revision of the electoral law. This is what Romano Prodi has said and, lately, Matteo Renzi too and it is what the most productive part of the country is also asking for, as emerged from the Manifesto launched by the president of Assolombarda, Bonomi».
To do everything you say, we would need a new government: so you too join – after Grillo and after Renzi – the party that refuses to run for elections?
“Yes, and I don't have the slightest problem saying it openly because I've been thinking about it for many months. Naturally, it will be necessary to see how the parliamentary confrontation on the political crisis will develop and Prime Minister Conte was right to demand that the distrust expressed by the League be discussed by the Chambers and it will be necessary to see what consequences the President of the Republic will draw, but Salvini cannot be the one to dictate the law . Of course, given how things have turned out, it seems unlikely that the legislature will reach its natural expiry, but the elections will have to be reached in an orderly manner and with a guarantee government for all".
Are you saying that, if Parliament certifies the crisis, it cannot be the government in office that manages the elections?
«I don't even remotely think of replacing the Head of State and invading his prerogatives, but it is clear that a delicate electoral campaign such as the one that promises cannot be managed by the Interior Ministry by a minister like Salvini, who instead of guaranteeing impartiality has passed all these months to feed hatred and grudges».
What profile should the guarantee government that you envisage have, what should it do and by whom should it be trained?
«It should have a very technical profile and be managed by figures such as Conte or Tria or, as Mattarella had previously thought, by personalities such as Cottarelli. But the Head of State will decide. As for the tasks of the new government which, obviously, will have to be ready to lead the country to elections in the event it does not receive confidence in Parliament, the budget maneuver and the reduction of parliamentarians should be at the top of its agenda".
Even before deciding whether, how and when to go to early elections, the parliamentary path of the crisis remains to be established: is it right to discuss immediately and vote no confidence in the Conte government as the League requests or is it right to discuss and vote first on the Pd's motion to distrust of Interior Minister Salvini, as claimed by the Democratic Party itself?
"The motion of the Democratic Party on no confidence in Salvini was presented before that of the League against Conte and therefore deserves, in accordance with parliamentary regulations, to be discussed first".
Yesterday, in a joint note drawn up together with Pierferdinando Casini, who like you was elected in the last elections in a single-member constituency in coalition with the Democratic Party, you urged Zingaretti to put the battle against Salvini's gambling first and to overcome the internal divisions of the party that cannot take priority over the interests of the country: what is the meaning of his appeal?
«It is an invitation to wisdom and realism especially if the Democratic Party thinks of giving life to a new coalition that must have unity at heart and give space to all the voices in the field overcoming the frictions of the past. The country comes before the party».