The president of +Europe and the Democratic Center, Bruno Tabacci, is leaving the political group he had helped to found together with the former minister Emma Bonino. What divides them is the judgment on the Five Star-PD government: Tabacci's is in favor, Bonino's is against. Now Tabacci looks with sympathy at Nicola Zingaretti's Democratic Party but above all at Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, even if - as the president of the Democratic Center himself clarified to FIRSTonline - his new political landings are not on the agenda in the short term.
Tabacci reproaches Bonino for having split and buried the experience of +Europe by siding prejudicially against one of the most pro-European governments in recent years. "Frankly - Tabacci said in a recent interview with Corriere della Sera - I have not yet understood why Emma Bonino, whom I respect and have always admired for her battles, wanted to destroy + Europe" by siding in opposition "where there are enemies of the EU".
Instead, the former secretary of the Radicals, Magi and the honorable Fusacchia sided with Tabacci, who voted in favor of the Conte 2 government, leaving Bonino alone. Now what will happen in the new parliamentary geography? The former president of +Europe does not hide his sympathy for the Democratic Party and above all for Prime Minister Conte ("He was decisive in sinking Salvini") but warns: "We are in no hurry and we are not chasing anyone".