120 hours of ceasefire during which the Kurds will have to withdraw from the security zone agreed with Turkey. Once the complete withdrawal of the Kurdish forces is reached, the Ankara military operation in Syria it will end definitively.
These are the cornerstones ofagreement reached between US Vice President Mike Pence and Turkish President Racep Tayyip Erdogan. The announcement came via Twitter from the US President, Donald Trump who spoke of "millions of lives saved".
Al Arabiya Aldar Xelil, politician and former spokesman for the Kurdish administration, has already reported that he wants to respect the 5-day truce.
Going into the details of the agreement, Turkey is expected to obtain one security zone agreed with the US of about 32 kilometers beyond its Syrian border. Ankara will definitively end its military operation in Syria after the withdrawal of Kurdish fighters from the buffer zone. In fact, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu reiterated that "It is not a ceasefire, Turkey will be able to stop the operation only when all the terrorist elements have left the area" along the border between Syria and Turkey".
“For our part, we have achieved what we wanted – added Cavusoglu – We will give the Ypg five days to leave the area, the heavy weapons of the Kurdish militias will be withdrawn and their positions will be destroyed. The area will be placed under the control of the Turkish army. Our intervention can only be considered finished when all the Ypg militiamen have left the area. Our goal has always been to free an area 32 kilometers deep east of the Euphrates from terrorists and establish a safe zone. The United States guarantees that all terrorists will leave the area within the next 120 hours."
The withdrawal of Kurdish YPG militias from the Turkish border has begun, Pence said. explaining that “our commitment to Turkey is that it work with members of the Ypg to facilitate an orderly withdrawal. The withdrawal, he added, has "literally already begun".
Pence finally announced that the sanctions imposed by the USA on Türkiye for its operation in Syria they will be lifted as soon as the ceasefire becomes permanent.