
Swg: Pdl first party, Grillo moves back, Renzi's support grows on the left

The SWG Institute records the voting intentions of Italians one month before the elections: the PDL gains two percentage points compared to the last revelation and becomes the first party - Followed by the Pd (-0,4%) and the 5 Star Movement, which loses 2,1% of consensus and slips to third place – 66% of voters want Renzi as leader of the centre-left.

Swg: Pdl first party, Grillo moves back, Renzi's support grows on the left

One month before the elections, the picture of Italians' voting intentions is changing, while the results of the consultations seem to be getting us closer to the polls again. According to SWG surveys for Agorà, the Pdl is the one to collect the greatest dividends from this stalemate, which is turning into a posthumous appendix to the electoral campaign, which in the last week has seen its consensus grow by 2%. carrying thus to 26,2%, in first place among the Italian parties

Instead, it loses support the 5 Star Movement (-2,1%) which probably pays its indiscriminate no to every government proposal and thus slips into third position, also overtaken by the Democratic Party, which sees its share of consensus eroding by almost half a percentage point (-0,4%) and stands in second place , with 26% of the vote.

An extremely fluid situation, therefore, in which strong masses of voters move with ease from one alignment to another. Compared to last week, the collapse of the Civic Choice continues, losing 1,1% of the votes, while Lega Nord (+0,6%), Sel (+0,5%) and Udc (+0,3%) are recovering %).

Among so many doubts, only one certainty: in the eventuality of new elections 66% of Italians would like Matteo Renzi at the helm of the centre-left. Above all, the mayor of Florence confirms his ability to gather cross-party consensus, beyond the historic electorate of the Democratic Party. In fact, his popularity with centre-right (71%) and Movimento 5 Stelle (68%) voters continues to rise.
