
Surprise turn by Grillo: "We are ready to discuss the electoral law with Renzi"

Grillo and Casaleggio acknowledge that "the premier has been legitimized by the popular vote" and say they are ready to discuss electoral law with him - The League is also open to Renzi on institutional reforms - Prudent Pds: "Ready to discuss with everyone but no games and this time we ask for streaming” – Concern in Forza Italia

In the end, the pressure from the base of the 5 Star Movement, which has been asking Grillo for some time to change line and to dialogue with Renzi and the Democratic Party, won, leading Grillo and Casaleggio to a sensational and surprising turnaround. Now the Grillini summit is available to discuss the electoral law with Renzi and with the Democratic Party. “If Renzi – Grillo and Casaleggio write on the blog – believes that the M5S law can be the basis for a common discussion on the electoral law, strike a blow and the M5S will respond”. This is why Grillo asks Renzi for a meeting about it.

The reaction of the Pd is positive but cautious: "We are ready to confront everyone, respecting the different roles and positions" argued the deputy secretary of the Pd, Lorenzo Guerini. Then Matteo Renzi took the field in person: "This time maybe we'll ask for streaming" and "it's good that there are no strange games or secret agreements". Renzi declared that he is convinced that the pact entered into with Berlusconi on electoral and institutional reforms "holds up, but if Grillo and the League (ed. which has come forward in turn stating its willingness to dialogue on institutional reforms with the Pd) want to sit down around a table they are welcome”.

We will see what happens in the next few days and if the opening of Grillo and the League to the Democratic Party on electoral and institutional reforms will be followed up but as of now Forza Italia, which fears being replaced by Renzi on the reforms, does not hide its concerns.
