
Svimez, two out of three young people in the South are not working

The Association for the development of industry in the south communicates data on youth employment in the southern regions, which does not reach 32% - For women below 24% - Situation of "social alarm".

Svimez, two out of three young people in the South are not working

In the South there is a youth emergency: "Two out of three are out and about, that is, they are not working". This is the alarm launched today by Svimez in anticipation of the 2011 report which will be presented in Rome on 27 September. Youth employment in the south - declared the association for the development of industry in the south - reached only 2010% in 31,7, marking a gap of 25 points with the north of the country, which recorded a 56,6 %. Furthermore, for women, youth employment stops at 23,3%. The average figure for 2009 was 33,3%.

The Italian generational question - underlines Svimez - therefore becomes an emergency and social alarm in the South ". Furthermore, young NEETs (Not in education, employment or training) with a high level of education are on the increase: almost a third of high school graduates and over 30% of southern graduates under 34 do not work and do not study.
