
Sveva Casati Modigliani on FIRST Arte

For the series dedicated to the bestsellers of the past, FIRST Arte talks about Sveva Casati Modigliani, a very successful writer in the genre of romance fiction: 80 novels, 12 million copies.

Sveva Casati Modigliani on FIRST Arte

He wrote 80 novels, selling 12 million copies in all. Sveva Casati Modigliani, born Bice Cairati, is one of the most successful Italian writers in the genre of romance fiction. It is of her that we speak in the latest in-depth analysis and periodically FIRST Art dedicated to the "Bestsellers of the past".

She will not enter the small number of twentieth-century authors that young people will study at school in the future, nor will she be awarded the Nobel Prize, but she has conquered her precise role in fiction at the turn of the century and it would be ungenerous to deny her.

So write Michele Giocondi and Mario Mancini, who retrace the writer's life from childhood to success, describing the particular way in which Casati Modigliani approached writing, as a true professional of the pen.

Read the article on FIRST Arte.
