
Southern Italy: GDP per capita among the lowest in Europe

According to Eurostat, compared to the European average of 30 euros, the Mezzogiorno has an average of 18.900 euros of GDP per capita - Here is the ranking of the regions

Southern Italy: GDP per capita among the lowest in Europe

Two Italys. The usual ones, experienced by millions of people, observed by the European Union, studied by banks and economists. If Northern Italy, all in all, is close to the EU countries, the South remains among the poorest and most backward areas of the EU. The agency said so Eurostat, studying the territorial economic accounts of 2017. Compared to European average of 30 euros, Southern Italy has an average of 18.900 euros of GDP per capita. It grows compared to the year before, but remains depressed.

Difficult territory with the Calabria with 17.200 of GDP, followed by Campania, Puglia, Molise, Basilicata e Abruzzo. Sicilia e Sardinia they improve compared to 2016, but both have an average GDP of around 17.500 euros.

Il Center of Italy has more marked improvements, having passed in one year from 30.200 euros per capita to 30.700 €. Toscana e Lazio they slightly exceed the bar of the European average but with an industrial organization different from the neighboring regions.

Il North part, on the other hand, is the other side of this Italy 2019 – always with data from 2017 – tossed about by economic recipes that will not make the indices of domestic product grow at all. Far from it.

There are no driving factors for growth and the aid that could lead to a change in infrastructure, energy and the environment in the South has been sacrificed for assistance solutions. After all, the too SVIMEZ in his reports on the South he certified the comatose state of Regions and cities.

In northwest, says Eurostat, however, the leap between 2016 and 2017 was from 34.400 to 35.200 €, is in the North East coast from 33.500 a 34.300 €. In the province of Bolzano it has even been achieved the top of the European average with 42.300 euros of GDP per capita.

The data from the South lead us to conclude that the average GDP per Italian inhabitant is 28.500 euros, €1.500 below the EU average of €30. Our country therefore remains far from Germany (39.600) UK (35.400) and France (34.300). The highest figure in Europe is that of Luxembourg, where the value is three times higher than the community average (92.600 euros).
