
On First&Food, the sociologist chef offers pasta with… peaches and strawberries

Like every weekend, the appointment with the great chefs is back: it's the turn of the 39-year-old Alberto Gipponi from Brescia - Here is the rest of the menu of First&Food, the FIRSTonline vertical site dedicated to Italian Food and agri-food excellence

On First&Food, the sociologist chef offers pasta with… peaches and strawberries

What is the menu for this weekend on First&Food, the FIRSTonline magazine entirely dedicated to the world of cooking and food and wine? First of all, the character in the window this week is the 39-year-old Alberto Gipponi from Brescia, the sociologist chef who welcomes customers to his restaurant with this neon sign on the window: “until then if not before”, until then if not before. The recipe proposed to First&Food readers is particularly original: tomato pasta with peaches and strawberries. Of this dish, Gipponi himself says that the first time he "didn't really like it".

As a side dish, the site dedicated to Food also offers financial news on the agri-food world: for example, the historic Bergamo company Italcanditi, specialized in candied frittata and marrons glaces, was taken over by Andrea Bonomi's Investindustrial, although a 30% stake will remain in the hands of the Gotti family. A few days ago the prestigious US News & World Report sanctioned something that we Italians have been cradling for some time: our diet, the Mediterranean one, the healthiest in the world. The Mediterranean diet has won the challenge between 41 various alternatives with a score of 4,2 out of 5 due to positive effects on longevity and health benefits, including weight loss and control, heart and nervous system health, prevention of cancer and chronic diseases, prevention and control of diabetes.

There is also room for pizza, but not the traditional Neapolitan pizza. But the pizza of the Veronese Renato Bosco, pizza-researcher, artist and pizza scientist and in fact one of the founders of contemporary pizza, which contemplates new raw materials, new cooking and leavening techniques and ultimately new flavours: here are which ones.
