
On First&Food, spaghetti with provolone del monaco

Today it's the turn of the starred Neapolitan chef Peppe Guida: when he was young, cooking didn't attract him that much, he enrolled in the hotel management school in Vico Equense but dropped out after two years. The turning point at 24 in Bermuda.

On First&Food, spaghetti with provolone del monaco

Weekend of great chefs and recipes, as usual on First&Food, the FIRSTonline magazine dedicated to the world of cooking. Today it's up to the starred Neapolitan chef Peppe Guida: when he was young, cooking didn't attract him much, he enrolled in the hotel management school in Vico Equense but left after two years. Then, in memory of the beautiful youth evenings, of those spaghetti cooked after the soccer match, a friend from Bermuda calls him and suggests that he join him to give him a hand in a restaurant that he has opened there. He can earn well. As Madama Butterfly would say, “partly as a joke and partly so as not to die”… Peppe leaves and goes out of boredom. She drives him the curiosity of a world that he does not know.

He is 24 years old and has not yet decided what he will do when he grows up. One evening, just for fun – here we go again – the friend offers him, as in the old days, to put himself in the kitchen and cook a quick dish. Peppe doesn't have to repeat it twice. “I cooked – he remembers with a sly smile – a plate of pasta and beans, with Mexican beans, and sautéed them in the pan, as we do here, the next day, when there's some left over. It was a crazy success!”. The recipe that Giuliano De Risi offers you are instead the spaghettini with lemon water and Provolone del monaco, which is a rarity on the Sorrento coast.

The Food menu does not end here: we are talking about vegan mozzarella, produced by a New Zealand startup, di risks of a gluten-free diet for those who are not celiac, and panettone, with the official finalists of Panettone Day 2019, the great national competition that will decide the winner in September. Despite being a typical dessert of the North, they are several suitors from the Centre-South, in particular of… Sicily. And then, starting Monday, don't miss an exclusive interview with the president of the Melinda apple consortium, who explains how the Trentino valleys are trying to resist climate change.
