
Professional firms, in 2013 10 thousand employees on layoffs

In 2012, around 6 employees of professional studios made use of layoffs in derogation for over 2 million paid hours (a 40% increase compared to the previous year)

Professional firms, in 2013 10 thousand employees on layoffs

This year, 10 employees of professional studios could be laid off. The forecasts say so, which take into account an alarming fact: in 2012 there were around 6 employees of professional studios who resorted to layoffs in derogation for over 2 million paid hours (a 40% increase compared to the year previous). And, if we consider that this institute is generally little used by professional firms, we realize that the numbers are an underestimation of the real phenomenon.

“This is a worrying trend – said Gaetano Stella, president of Confprofessioni – We must take into account the fact that there are few professional firms who know they can resort to this social shock absorber. So these are numbers that are indicators of a much more widespread phenomenon and therefore represent an alarm signal for a sector that offers work to around 1 million people throughout Italy”. “In the light of the data that has emerged and taking into account the exponential drop in revenues from professionals – he continued – we expect a significant increase in the Cassa in derogation also this current year. In such a condition, it becomes urgent to identify new resources to finance social safety nets".

A solution may be at hand. The social partners, trade unions and INPS will launch a solidarity fund for income support within a month. "All employees suspended for more than ninety days - explained Stella - both those who work in studios with more than 15 employees and those with only one employee, will be able to appeal to the bilateral body which will pay 20 percent of the salary to integrate 60 percent currently provided by INPS. The fund will go to the aid of all employees who have a contract for professional studios, therefore both those of ordinary professions and those belonging to non-regulated professions".
