
Strike 8 March: schools, healthcare and transport at risk. Trenitalia warns: “Possible cancellations and delays”

On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day, workers from various trade unions cross their arms for almost 24 hours. Here's who stops and who doesn't

Strike 8 March: schools, healthcare and transport at risk. Trenitalia warns: “Possible cancellations and delays”

Once again, the8 March takes it with him general strike. On this International Day of Women's Rights, workers from every sector, public, private and cooperative, will unite in a protest that will last 24 hours. Proclaimed by numerous trade union acronyms - including Flc CGIL, Slai Cobas, Adl Cobas, Cobas Usb, Cobas Sub, Osp Faisa Cisal, Usi Cit, Clap, Si Cobas, Cub Trasporti, Uitrasporti, Usi 1912, Flaei Cisl and Uiltec Uil -, the strike on March 8 will involve schools, university, Health e transport, but only for trains (Trenitalia and Trenord, Italo in the balance). The reasons for the protest range from the demand for gender and wage equality, to the fight against feminicides, to the defense of rights acquired over time. Let's see in detail who is joining the strike on Friday 8 March.

Strike 8 March 2024: schools, universities and healthcare stop

From the beginning of the first round to the end of the last round, the school sector will be involved in this abstention from work proclaimed by the Flc Cgil. Teachers, state and non-state school staff, universities, research, Afam and professional training will stop to denounce wage and gender discrimination, as well as the challenges of precarious work and the invisible exploitation of care work by women.

Even in healthcare sector there will be an interruption of activities, with a mobilization called by the trade union organizations Usb, Usi, Adl Cobas, Cub, Cobas Sanità-University and Research and the adhesion of Usb Pubblico Umpiego, Clab, Cub Sanità and Cub Pubblico Umpiego. Minimum essential services will be guaranteed, but there may be delays or disruptions.

Is transport risky?

La Guarantee commission on strikes reported some "irregularities in the passenger transport sector". For this reason, a large part of the workers in the sector will not be able to take part in the mobilization. The Guarantor underlined that the regulation prohibits the participation in general strikes of workers in the air, rail, maritime and local public transport sectors. So, there should be no disruption to planes, buses, metro and trams. Only the strike called by the Slai Cobas union remains confirmed.

Instead the motorway sector will be affected by the stop, scheduled for 24 hours, starting from 22pm on March 7th until the same time the following day. With the exception of Abruzzo due to the regional elections scheduled for March 10th.

Trenitalia strike Friday 8 March: stop for almost 24 hours

The staff of the FS Italian groupInstead, will strike from midnight until 21pm on Friday March 8, we read in one note from Trenitalia. During the time slots from 6am to 9am and from 18pm to 21pm (as per the official Trenitalia timetable), the minimum essential services expected in the event of a strike will be guaranteed. However, some trips may be subject to change.

In Milan instead Trenord will be involved in the strike, with possible variations from 6am to 9am and from 18pm to 21pm. Also in this case there will be guarantee time slots.

For Italo, at the moment the participation of staff has not been confirmed. However, it is advisable to monitor the official channels for updates.

Lufthansa aircraft strike on 7 and 8 March: flights at risk in Italy

The ground staff of Lufthansa in Germany is preparing for a new two-day strike, proclaimed by the Ver.di union. The strike, which involves around 25 thousand employees, will begin at 4am on Thursday 7 March and end at 7.10am on Saturday 9 March.

This is the third strike in the context of the wage dispute, after two previous ones which have already interrupted passenger traffic for a day. Ver.di is asking for a 12,5% ​​salary increase and an inflation compensation bonus for one year.

Other sectors involved

even the public sector will be involved in the strike, with possible inconvenience in the offices, in the museums and in libraries. The firefighters will join the protest with an interruption of activities from 8 am to 14 pm.

On his website theINPS informs that if employees join the strike "there could be inconvenience caused by reduced activity".

Finally, Poste Italiane communicated that the collective abstention proclaimed by some trade union associations that are not signatories of the National Collective Labor Agreement "should not have particular impacts on services".
