Bad news for motorists: from 2023 January XNUMX in Italy the petrol prices, Diesel e gpl that they will no longer enjoy it discount on excise duties. i also increase motorway tolls. However, the increase in excise duties is offset by the constantly decreasing prices of petrol and diesel in recent months, thanks to the drop in oil prices on international markets. While as regards motorway tolls, the 2% increase for tolls for Autostrade per l'Italia. On the other hand, the price increases for many concessionaires have been frozen because they have not completed the financial economic plan (due to expired concessions or because they have regional B concessions). However, there is also some relief for motorists: the Government has confirmed the stop to the adaptation of fines to inflation.
The bad news on the increases front, however, may not be over and will also affect the bills. While awaiting the communication from Arera at the beginning of January, Nomisma Energia has estimated a monthly gas increase of 20% due to the trend in international prices at the beginning of December. While the decline of the last few days, following the decision on the price cap and decidedly autumnal temperatures, should be implemented starting from February according to the analysis of the research centre.
Gasoline and diesel prices on the rise: stop to the discount on excise duties
The first budget law of the Meloni government did not renew the measure to lower the fuel price through the so-called "excise duty discount". Last March, Draghi's government financed the decrease in excise duties 25 cents per liter for petrol and diesel (which with VAT became 30,5 cents) and 8,5 cents per kilo for LPG (10,37 with VAT). Last November, the Executive led by Meloni had reduced the cut to 15 cents per liter (18,3 with VAT) for petrol and diesel, while for LPG it had gone to 8,5 cents per kilo (3,4 cents per liter with VAT).
In the meantime, the prices of raw materials have fallen, also reducing the extra revenue which had allowed the Government to reduce excise duties (and consequently the VAT which is calculated in addition). But how much does the cost of a liter of fuel increase? For the petrol in mode self Service, if we start from an average of 1,627 euros per litre, without discount, the price will rise to around 1,80 euros, while for the diesel self it will go from 1,693 euros per liter to around 1,87.
For the moment, there does not seem to be any government intervention which, however, could also come to an end with an interministerial decree. But if there is no intervention, prices are bound to rise.
Motorway tolls, by how much do they increase?
At the beginning of each year, motorway tariffs are traditionally updated, but after collapse of the Morandi Bridgethey remained frozen. 2023 brought with it the return of hikes for the first time in four years. The concessionaires have presented their remodulation requests, currently being examined by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of the Economy which will have to take into account the investments made.
Tolls on the arterial roads under the jurisdiction of Autostrade per l'Italia from 1 January they will increase by 2%, with the addition of another 1,34% only from 2023 July XNUMX. This was announced by a note from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. It is also confirmed stop the increases on Highways A24/A25 Rome-L'Aquila Teramo e Torano Pescara branch: MIT, continues the note, is doing in-depth studies for a possible reduction.
"Increases in the vast majority of Italian motorway companies have been averted", 50% of the arteries are without increases, tariff updates are gradual and with cuts compared to forecasts, explains the note. “Italians will be able to benefit from a better situation than in other European countries. In Spain an increase of 11% is expected for 4 motorway sections (compared to the average demand of +8,4%); in French an average rise in tariffs of 4,75% is expected from 1 February 2023, which is added to the +2% in 2022".
In short, between petrol, highways and gas bills, the first sting of the new year would already be on the way for Italians.
Sting fines from January 1st: the Government sterilizes them
In maneuver 2023 the Government, on the other hand, took measures to mitigate the increase in road fines caused by the adjustment to inflation of at least 11%. Among the solutions, sterilization has been included for this increase that would otherwise have led to hefty fines: for example, the penalty for the prohibited use of a mobile phone while driving would have increased by a good 18 euros (183 euros against 165 today).