
Public salaries, politicians against managers. The League: "They are the caste"

After the data published by Eurostat on the incomes of Italian workers (among the lowest in Europe), Parliament is discussing setting a limit to the super-fees of public managers, which according to the "save-Italy" decree must not exceed 305 thousand euros per year – La Lega: “The measures must be applied to the end, otherwise it is demagoguery”.

Public salaries, politicians against managers. The League: "They are the caste"

Salaries in the limelight: on the one hand the list of those of public ministers and supermanagers, on the other the statistics of those of employees. In a climate where controversy abounds, Senate and Chamber address the question of setting a limit to the super-fees of public managers

Both in the Senate and in the Chamber, the Constitutional Affairs and Labor commissions deal with it. The measure ("definition of the maximum limit referring to the all-inclusive annual remuneration of public employees") implements the rules contained in the so-called "save-Italy" decree which sets the maximum salary limit establishing that, including indemnities and ancillary items, it cannot exceed the total annual remuneration due for the office to the First President of the Court of Cassation, equal to 2011 euros in 304.951,95, and providing for the automatic reduction to the maximum limit where the treatment is superior. The ceiling also applies to personnel holding the position of President or member of the independent administrative authorities.

The League announced a press conference in the Chamber for Wednesday, in which it will present its alternative proposals. Because – accuses the president of the Productive Activities commission of Montecitorio, the Northern League member Manuela Dal Lago – “the government measures aimed at reducing the costs of public administration are purely demagogic, because the great 'state poppies', the bureaucrats of the administration have however been safeguarded. From an initial survey of the list of salaries of public administration managers, a list which is incomplete given that any salaries accumulated by public managers who hold various positions and that of some public bodies are missing, one is left stunned. And then they say that the caste is the politicians” 
