
Public manager salaries: the cuts are coming from April XNUMXst

At the beginning of next month, the ministerial decree will enter into force "which integrates and completes the regulatory framework on the remuneration" of the directors of companies controlled by the Treasury and not listed - The ceilings, in any case, will not be the same for everyone: in via XX September they designed a three band pattern

Public manager salaries: the cuts are coming from April XNUMXst

April fools for public managers. Salary cuts for directors of unlisted companies controlled by the Treasury will begin next Tuesday. This was announced this afternoon by the Ministry of the Economy. The coincidence of dates is curious (Tuesday is April XNUMX), but in truth it is not a joke: at the beginning of next month the ministerial decree will enter into force "which integrates and completes the regulatory framework on managerial compensation", they explain from the Mef.

The roofs, in any case, will not be the same for everyone. In via XX Settembre they designed a three-band scheme. For the first (which includes the directors of Anas, Invimit and Rai) the ceiling is equal to 100% of the remuneration of the First President of the Court of Cassation: the managing director, therefore, will receive 311.658,53 euros a year, while the president will collect 93.497,56.

For directors of companies in the second tier (Coni Servizi, Consap, Consip, Enav, Eur, Gse, Invitalia, Ipzs, Sogei, Sogin) the ceiling is equal to 80% of the remuneration of the First President of the Court of Cassation: all 'ad 249.326,82 euros, to the president 74.798,05. As for the third tier (Arcus, Istituto Luce, Italia Lavoro, Ram, Sogesid, Studiare Sviluppo) the ceiling is equal to 50% (CEO €155.829,27, president €46.748,78).

Furthermore, "for the chairman who has been granted powers that accompany those conferred on the managing director - writes the Treasury - a fee equal to a maximum of 30% of that approved for the latter may be approved".
